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FlashInfer: Kernel Library for LLM Serving
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[Q&A] Any palns for different dtypes for Q (query) and KV (kv-cache)? #285

Closed ibsidorenko closed 3 weeks ago

ibsidorenko commented 1 month ago

Hi, All! This is just a question of whether there are such plans or not...

Right now, Flashinfer lib requires Q (query) and KV (kv-cache) to have the same dtype. Just an example from the code, q and paged_kv have the same DTypeIn:

template <bool partition_kv, PosEncodingMode pos_encoding_mode, uint32_t num_stages_smem,
          uint32_t tile_size_per_bdx, uint32_t vec_size, uint32_t bdx, uint32_t bdy, uint32_t bdz,
          PageStorage page_storage, QKVLayout kv_layout, typename DTypeIn, typename DTypeOut,
          typename IdType>
__global__ void BatchDecodeWithPagedKVCacheKernel(
    DTypeIn* __restrict__ q, IdType* __restrict__ q_offset,
    paged_kv_t<page_storage, kv_layout, DTypeIn, IdType> paged_kv,
    kv_partition_info_t<IdType> kv_partition_info, DTypeOut* __restrict__ o,
    DTypeOut* __restrict__ tmp, float* __restrict__ lse, float sm_scale, float rope_rcp_scale,
    float rope_rcp_theta)

Are there any plans to support different dtypes for KV-cache and Q (query)? My personal interest is fp8 for kv-cache and fp16 for query.

Thank you in advance! cc @yzh119

yzh119 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your suggestions. Sure, I think we can definitely support it, and using fp8 for kv-cache and fp16 for q sounds reasonable to me.

I'll separate the DTypeIn to DTypeQ and DTypeKV in the kernel implementations, and the python APIs doesn't have to change.

Yard1 commented 1 month ago

Seconding this - I was actually thinking of submitting a PR myself. @yzh119 let me know if you need any help on this (from what I can tell, it should be quite straightforward).

Semi-related, can we expect fp8 support for prefill any time soon? How complicated would it be to add that?

yzh119 commented 1 month ago

let me know if you need any help on this (from what I can tell, it should be quite straightforward).

Sounds good, I would really appreciate your help!

can we expect fp8 support for prefill any time soon?

Yes we are in the last step of dealing with transposed ldmatrix for fp8 (for V matrix). It should be available soon :)

Yard1 commented 1 month ago

Ok, let me see if I can get a PR going this week!