flashinfer-ai / flashinfer

FlashInfer: Kernel Library for LLM Serving
Apache License 2.0
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cuda flash-attention gpu large-large-models llm-inference pytorch tvm


Kernel Library for LLM Serving

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[![Release](https://github.com/flashinfer-ai/flashinfer/actions/workflows/release_wheel.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/flashinfer-ai/flashinfer/actions/workflows/release_wheel.yml) [![Documentation](https://github.com/flashinfer-ai/flashinfer/actions/workflows/build-doc.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/flashinfer-ai/flashinfer/actions/workflows/build-doc.yml) FlashInfer is a library for Language Languages Models that provides high-performance implementation of LLM GPU kernels such as FlashAttention, PageAttention and LoRA. FlashInfer focus on LLM serving and inference, and delivers state-the-art performance across diverse scenarios. The unique features of FlashInfer include: 1. **Comprehensive Attention Kernels**: Attention kernels that cover all the common use cases of LLM serving, including *single-request* and *batching* versions of *Prefill*, *Decode*, and *Append* kernels, on different formats of KV-Cache (Padded Tensor, Ragged Tensor, and Page Table). 2. **Optimized Shared-Prefix Batch Decoding**: FlashInfer enhances shared-prefix batch decoding performance through *cascading*, resulting in an impressive **up to 31x speedup** compared to the baseline vLLM PageAttention implementation (for long prompt of 32768 tokens and large batch size of 256). 3. **Accelerate Attention for Compressed/Quantized KV-Cache**: Modern LLMs are often deployed with quantized/compressed KV-Cache to reduce memory traffic. FlashInfer accelerates these scenarios by optimizing performance for *Grouped-Query Attention*, *Fused-RoPE Attention* and *Quantized Attention*. FlashInfer support PyTorch, TVM and C++ (header-only) APIs, and can be easily integrated into existing projects. ## News - [Jan 31, 2024] [Blog Post](https://flashinfer.ai/2024/01/08/cascade-inference.html) Cascade Inference: Memory-Efficient Shared Prefix Batch Decoding - [Jan 31, 2024] [Blog Post](https://flashinfer.ai/2024/01/03/introduce-flashinfer.html) Accelerating Self-Attentions for LLM Serving with FlashInfer ## Getting Started Using our PyTorch API is the easiest way to get started: ### Installation We provide prebuilt wheels for Linux and you can try out FlashInfer with the following command: ```bash # For CUDA 12.1 & torch 2.3 pip install flashinfer -i https://flashinfer.ai/whl/cu121/torch2.3 # For other CUDA & torch versions, please check https://docs.flashinfer.ai/installation.html ``` or you can build from source: ```bash git clone https://github.com/flashinfer-ai/flashinfer.git --recursive cd flashinfer/python pip install -e . ``` ### Trying it out Below is a minimal example of using FlashInfer's single-request decode/append/prefill attention kernels: ```python import torch import flashinfer kv_len = 2048 num_kv_heads = 32 head_dim = 128 k = torch.randn(kv_len, num_kv_heads, head_dim).half().to(0) v = torch.randn(kv_len, num_kv_heads, head_dim).half().to(0) # decode attention num_qo_heads = 32 q = torch.randn(num_qo_heads, head_dim).half().to(0) o = flashinfer.single_decode_with_kv_cache(q, k, v) # decode attention without RoPE on-the-fly o_rope_on_the_fly = flashinfer.single_decode_with_kv_cache(q, k, v, pos_encoding_mode="ROPE_LLAMA") # decode with LLaMA style RoPE on-the-fly # append attention append_qo_len = 128 q = torch.randn(append_qo_len, num_qo_heads, head_dim).half().to(0) # append attention, the last 128 tokens in the KV-Cache are the new tokens o = flashinfer.single_prefill_with_kv_cache(q, k, v, causal=True) # append attention without RoPE on-the-fly, apply causal mask o_rope_on_the_fly = flashinfer.single_prefill_with_kv_cache(q, k, v, causal=True, pos_encoding_mode="ROPE_LLAMA") # append attention with LLaMA style RoPE on-the-fly, apply causal mask # prefill attention qo_len = 2048 q = torch.randn(qo_len, num_qo_heads, head_dim).half().to(0) # prefill attention o = flashinfer.single_prefill_with_kv_cache(q, k, v, causal=False) # prefill attention without RoPE on-the-fly, do not apply causal mask ``` Check out [documentation](https://docs.flashinfer.ai/) for usage of batch decode/append/prefill kernels and shared-prefix cascading kernels. ## Run Benchmarks We profile FlashInfer kernel performance with [nvbench](https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvbench) and you can compile and run the benchmarks with the following commands: ```bash mkdir build cp cmake/config.cmake build # you can modify the config.cmake to enable/disable benchmarks and change CUDA architectures cd build cmake .. make -j12 ``` You can run `./bench_{single/batch}_{prefill/decode}` to benchmark the performance (e.g. `./bench_single_prefill` for single-request prefill attention). `./bench_{single/batch}_{prefill/decode} --help` will show you the available options. ## C++ API and TVM Bindings FlashInfer also provides C++ API and TVM bindings, please refer to [documentation](https://docs.flashinfer.ai/) for more details. ## Adoption Currently FlashInfer is adopted by the following projects: - [MLC-LLM](https://github.com/mlc-ai/mlc-llm) - [Punica](https://github.com/punica-ai/punica) - [sglang](https://github.com/sgl-project/sglang) - [ScaleLLM](https://github.com/vectorch-ai/ScaleLLM) ## Acknowledgement FlashInfer is inspired by [FlashAttention 1&2](https://github.com/dao-AILab/flash-attention/), [vLLM](https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm), [stream-K](https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.03598) and [cutlass](https://github.com/nvidia/cutlass) projects.