flashinfer-ai / flashinfer

FlashInfer: Kernel Library for LLM Serving
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature request] Sparse Attention #367

Closed Ageliss closed 1 week ago

Ageliss commented 2 weeks ago

Recently, we see several awesome work focusing on kv cache compressing and they said can accelearte 1.7~2.3 times than FlashInfer, can you guys plz consider to surpport such features?

Same layer KV: Quest: Query-Aware Sparsity for Efficient Long-Context LLM Inference


MoA: Mixture of Sparse Attention for Automatic Large Language Model Compression

Cross layer KV: Reducing Transformer Key-Value Cache Size with Cross-Layer Attention

yzh119 commented 2 weeks ago

Sparse Attention is already implemented in the CUDA codebase, I should create pytorch api for that, please stay tuned.

yzh119 commented 2 weeks ago

To be more clear, flashinfer implemented general (any block size: (B_r, B_c) ) block sparse flashattention on CUDA, and flashinfer's page attention implementation is based on these block sparse flashattention implementations (by representing page table as block sparse matrix). Quest's sparse attention implement is also based on flashinfer's CUDA APIs.

Ageliss commented 2 weeks ago

To be more clear, flashinfer implemented general (any block size: (B_r, B_c) ) block sparse flashattention on CUDA, and flashinfer's page attention implementation is based on these block sparse flashattention implementations (by representing page table as block sparse matrix). Quest's sparse attention implement is also based on flashinfer's CUDA APIs.

Good to know that, will Quest's sparse attention be merged into current flashinfer's CUDA APIs?

yzh119 commented 2 weeks ago

Quest didn't implement anything new to FlashInfer on CUDA side (FlashInfer has already implemented all of the necessary CUDA sparse kernels), what Quest did is to call FlashInfer CUDA apis. So there is no need to "merge" Quest.

I'll create a PR for a general block sparse attention python API (which should be a superset of Quest's), please wait for a few hours.

yzh119 commented 1 week ago

Please check https://docs.flashinfer.ai/api/python/sparse.html