flashios09 / extract-tagged-template-literals

Search and extract tagged template literals from javascript/typescript file.
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ember extract inline-templates tagged-template-literals

Extract tagged template literals

Search and extract tagged template literals from javascript/typescript file. The result


yarn add extract-tagged-template-literals


It's possible to use more than one tag via the | (regex or separator), valid tags:

searchAndExtract(documentContent: string, tag: string): string;
// or the hbs wrapper
searchAndExtractHbs(documentContent: string): string;


import { searchAndExtract } from 'extract-tagged-template-literals';

const tag = 'hbs';
const documentContent = `
  import GlimmerComponent from '@glimmer/component';
  // @ts-ignore
  import hbs from 'ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile';

  const template = hbs\`
    <div class="input {{this.type}}">
      <input type={{this.type}} value={{this.value}}>

  interface IComponentArgs {
    type: string;
    value?: any;

  class MyInputComponent extends GlimmerComponent<IComponentArgs> {
    type: string = 'text';

  // @ts-ignore
  export default Ember._setComponentTemplate(template, MyInputComponent);

const extractedTaggedTemplateLiterals = searchAndExtract(documentContent, tag);


    <div class="input {{this.type}}">
      <input type={{this.type}} value={{this.value}}>

Full example

import { searchAndExtract } from 'extract-tagged-template-literals';
const tag = 'hbs|handlebars|dotted.string';
const documentContent = `import GlimmerComponent from '@glimmer/component';
  // @ts-ignore
  import hbs from 'ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile';

  const template = hbs\`
    <div class="input {{this.type}}">
      <input type={{this.type}} value={{this.value}}>

  const myButtonTemplate = handlebars\`<button type="button">{{yield}}</button>\`;

  interface IComponentArgs {
    type: string;
    value?: any;

  class MyInputComponent extends GlimmerComponent<IComponentArgs> {
    type: string = 'text';
    layout = dotted.string\`This is just an example with **dotted.string** as a tag name and **escaped backtick** char \\\` inside the literal template \`;

  // @ts-ignore
  export default Ember._setComponentTemplate(template, MyInputComponent);
const extractedTaggedTemplateLiterals = searchAndExtract(documentContent, tag);


    <div class="input {{this.type}}">
      <input type={{this.type}} value={{this.value}}>

                                      <button type="button">{{yield}}</button>  

                           This is just an example with **dotted.string** as a tag name and **escaped backtick** char \` inside the literal template  




Running test