flat35hd99 / md_template

See wiki to read how to use this template repository !!
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Environment variable to detect project directory path

TEMPLATE_PROJECT_PREFIX to detect project directory.

If this repository located in /home/flat35hd99/ytva/ and the directory name is dark (See below tree), TEMPLATE_PROJECT_PREFIX=/home/flat35hd99/ytva/dark. Don't add slash ("/") in the last of the variable.

I recommend you to add export TEMPLATE_PROJECT_PREFIX=/path/to/directory into .bashrc or other script that is loaded in initialization of CLI.

├── dark <- This repository
│   ├── 0structure
│   ├── 1minimization
│   ├── 2equilibrium
│   ├── 3sampling
│   ├── 4nve
│   ├── 5heat_flux
│   ├── 6heat_conductivity
│   ├── FMN
│   └── README.md
└── light

conda environment

# Install miniconda in $HOME/miniconda3_x86_64

# If you want to install other place,
# please change util/load_curp

# conda environment name to intall curp

# If possible, please use newer versions without python
conda create -n $env_name python=2.7 netcdf4=1.4.2 pygraphviz=1.3
conda activate $env_name
pip install curp==1.3.1


  1. 0structure
    1. create_amber_input.sh
    2. create_atomgroup_sidechain.sh
  2. 1minimization
    1. pjsub job.sh
  3. 2equilibrium
    1. submit.sh 0 4
  4. 3sampling
    1. submit.sh 0 4
  5. 4nve
    1. submit.sh 0 49
    2. submit_utility.sh 0 49 on IMS
  6. 5curp
    1. ./generate_representation_of_grouppair.sh on IMS.
    2. submit.sh 0 49 residue and submit.sh 0 49 side on IMS