flathub / io.gdevelop.ide

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GDevelop logo

GDevelop is a full-featured, no-code, open-source game development software. You can build games for mobile, desktop and the web. GDevelop is fast and easy to use: the game logic is built up using an intuitive and powerful event-based system.

Flatpak repository

This is the Flatpak repository for GDevelop on Flathub.

See Flathub documentation for more information.

You can download GDevelop for other operating system from the official website or try the game engine directly from your browser.

Contributing to the Flatpak

Upgrading to a newer GDevelop version

  1. Create a commit with:
    • An upgrade the .deb file to use in io.gdevelop.ide.yml and its checksum.
    • A new release in io.gdevelop.ide.appdata.xml.
  2. Merge in the master branch.
  3. Follow the build that will be automatically be done on https://buildbot.flathub.org/#/.
  4. Open the build page and click on "Publish" when the build is done.
  5. Verify the app is updated on Flathub a few minutes later.

Testing locally

Clone this repository and build locally:

git clone https://github.com/flathub/io.gdevelop.ide.git && cd io.gdevelop.ide
flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean build-dir io.gdevelop.ide.yml
flatpak run io.gdevelop.ide