Jupyter widgets for labbox-ephys.
It is recommended that you use a conda environment with Python >=3.8
You must use JupyterLab 3. If not already installed:
pip install jupyterlab==3
Install labbox-ephys and start a kachery-p2p daemon according to these instructions. Note that you don't need to actually run the labbox-ephys web server.
Install labbox-ephys-widgets-jp and enable the labbox jupyter server extension:
pip install --upgrade labbox-ephys-widgets-jp
jupyter serverextension enable labbox --sys-prefix
Try out an example notebook in the examples folder.
For a development installation (requires NodeJS and yarn),
$ git clone https://github.com/flatironinstitute/labbox-ephys-widgets-jp.git
$ cd labbox-ephys-widgets-jp
$ pip install -e .
$ jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --overwrite --sys-prefix labbox_ephys_widgets_jp
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix labbox_ephys_widgets_jp
When actively developing your extension for JupyterLab, run the command:
$ jupyter labextension develop --overwrite labbox_ephys_widgets_jp
Then you need to rebuild the JS when you make a code change:
$ cd js
$ yarn run build
You then need to refresh the JupyterLab page when your javascript changes.