flatironinstitute / nomad

Non-linear Matrix Decomposition library
Apache License 2.0
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Final library name TK

This library implements methods to facilitate minimally lossy matrix decomposition for sparse nonnegative matrices, under the paradigm described in Saul (2022).

In the problem setting, given a sparse nonnegative matrix X, we would like to return a low-rank matrix L of known target rank r. Applying a ReLU nonlinearity to L allows lossless recovery of X.

Four methods of estimating the low-rank representation L are currently offered:

All methods operate in an iterative fashion; the model-based methods are particularly analogous to expectation-maximization, in that they iteratively refine a model's parameters and recompute the posterior probability under the new parameters.

Getting Started

The library is accessed through Python calls (interactive REPL and scripts have been tested; Jupyter has not, but should work).

Only numpy is used extensively, but the other libraries offer more convenient implementations of some of the statistical operations.

As the fi_nomad package is not yet published, you'll need to install it in local mode. The easiest way to do this is to:

We'll publish to pypi once we're out of alpha and have picked a good name.


Load the observed non-negative matrix X as a numpy array:

from fi_nomad import decompose
from fi_nomad.types import KernelStrategy
import numpy as np
import logging

# "info"-level log messages in the library won't be displayed unless the
# caller explicitly allows them--this is by design, since it's bad to let
# library code override its caller's logging strategy!

# NOTE: Ensure that this uses a float dtype!
# If you try to use this method on an integer array, it
# isn't going to work very well!
nonnegative_matrix_X = np.array([...]) # or load from file, etc.

target_rank = 5         # as per your domain expertise

result_data = decompose(
model_means_L = result_data.factors[0] @ result_data.factors[1]
model_variance = result_data.variance

# use model_means_L as appropriate for your application

# To visualize recovery of X, assuming target_rank was high enough to do so:
#   First improve readability of printed numpy arrays:
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, linewidth=150)

#   then pass the low-rank estimate through a ReLU nonlinearity and compare
#   its result to the input sparse matrix:
relu_L = np.copy(model_means_L)
relu_L[relu_L < 0] = 0

Additional Features

The main entry point for the model-based low-rank matrix estimation is fi_nomad.decompose. Three parameters are required:

Additionally, the following options are exposed:

Regardless of settings, the estimator will generate a warning if the iteration-over-iteration likelihood was observed to decrease during the course of estimation. (This is quite common due to numerics noise once a good estimate has been reached.)


Lawrence K Saul (2022), "A Nonlinear Matrix Decomposition for Mining the Zeros of Sparse Data" https://doi.org/10.1137/21M1405769 (Preprint: https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~saul/papers/preprints/simods22_preprint.pdf)

Seraghiti, G., et. al. (2023), "Accelerated Algorithms for Nonlinear Matrix Decomposition with the ReLU Function" https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.08687