flaviostutz / monotag

Semantic versioning for monorepos based on tag prefix, path prefix, affected files and conventional commit
MIT License
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Semantic versioning for monorepos based on tag prefix, path prefix, affected files and conventional commit.

This lib can help you tag changes in specific parts of the monorepo using tag prefixes or publishing libs or deploying services independently, even though they reside in a single monorepo.

Normally this is not easy because the monorepo shares the entire commit history and to identify which commits touched a specific dir requires some sort of filtering.

Run 'npx monotag --help' or 'npx monotag tag --help' for info on specific commands

The automatic versioning feature can be used for non-monorepos too and you can use this as a library also. Check examples below.


A monorepo has the following structure:


The team will commit and merge things to the "main" branch changing files in all those modules, so your commit log might be:

2023-01-01: feat: adding new API call to google <-- this touched service1 and lib2
2023-01-01: feat: new interface to lib2         <-- this touched lib2 and service2
2023-01-03: fix: bug fix according to #43       <-- this touched service2
2023-01-04: feat!(lib1): upgrading interface    <-- this touched lib1

We want to tag and create a release notes for lib1 before publishing to NPM and a release notes to service2 before deploying it to production. All commits are mixed together because the team was working with things integrated (which is an advantage of using a monorepo actually).

For creating the tags and release notes you can run:

npx monotag tag --path=libs/my-lib1
# will return "my-lib1/2.0.0" as tag along with "Features: -upgrading interface"
# (if latest tag was my-lib1/1.4.3, for example)

npx monotag tag --path=services/my-service2
# will return "my-service2/1.3.0" as tag along with "Features: -new interface to lib2; Fixes: -bug fix according to #43"
# (if latest tag was my-service2/1.2.9, for example)

See a complete github actions workflow that publishes libs to NPM with automatic versioning and release notes generation in a monorepo using monotag here



monotag [command]

  monotag latest    Show latest tag for path. If path has tags 1.2.0 and 2.1.1,
                    for example, 2.1.1 will be returned
  monotag tag       Calculate and show next tag, incrementing semver according
                    to detected changes on path
  monotag notes     Calculate and show release notes according to detected
                    commits in path
  monotag tag-git   Calculate next tag and tag it in local git repo
  monotag tag-push  Calculate next tag, git-tag and git-push it to remote

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]


import { nextTag, releaseNotes, lastTagForPrefix, filterCommits, summarizeCommits } from 'monotag';

Check http://github.com/flaviostutz/monotag/src/ for more details.

The library exposes its ts types, so you can use VSCode for auto completing and seeing jsdoc for types.


CLI example

Github actions workflow

name: create-next-tag


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # needed for pushing new tag
      contents: write
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0
          # this is needed if you want the tag push to trigger another workflow
          # create a personal token and set a secret with name GH_PERSONAL_TOKEN
          # https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/27028
          token: ${{ secrets.GH_PERSONAL_TOKEN }}
      - name: Create tag and push to repo
        run: |
          git config --global user.email "flaviostutz@gmail.com"
          git config --global user.name "Flávio Stutz"
          npx -y monotag@latest tag-push

Lib example

import { nextTag } from 'monotag';

const nt = await nextTag({
  repoDir: 'repos/myrepo',
  toRef: 'HEAD',
  path: 'modules/mymodule',

// shows "2.5.0"
// shows "Features: -ui: Cache capability"