flcdrg / PowerShellWixExtension

Wix Extension for running PowerShell
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c-sharp powershell wix wix-extension


A Wix Extension for running PowerShell scripts

NuGet Package

NuGet AppVeyor

All ready to add to an existing Wix project. Grab the latest version from https://www.nuget.org/packages/PowerShellWixExtension/

Getting Started

  1. Add a reference to the PowerShellWixExtension.dll in your Wix Setup Project (NuGet package recommended)
  2. Add namespace to .wxs file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" xmlns:powershell="http://schemas.gardiner.net.au/PowerShellWixExtensionSchema">
  1. To execute a .ps1 file that ships with the project
   <powershell:File Id="PSFile1" File="[#TestPs1]" Arguments="&quot;First Argument&quot; 2"/>
  1. To execute inline script use
    <powershell:Script Id="Script2">
        # Write-Host "Number 2";

        for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++) 
          Write-Progress -Activity "Activity" -Status "Status $i% complete" -CurrentOperation "Operation $i" -PercentComplete $i
          Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5 



Custom sequences

You can customise when a set of scripts are run by adding your own <Custom /> element inside your <InstallExecuteSequence /> element. eg.

        <Custom Action="PowerShellScriptsDeferred" After="RegisterUser">NOT Installed</Custom>

The four defined actions are:

  1. PowerShellScriptsDeferred
  2. PowerShellScriptsElevatedDeferred
  3. PowerShellFilesDeferred
  4. PowerShellFilesElevatedDeferred

Inline Scripts