fleaz / go-gitlab-irc

IRC Bot for Gitlab
2 stars 2 forks source link


This project has been included in the more powerfull and modulare rewrite CptHook which you can find at f-breidenstein/CptHook


Thanks to @andir for the original codebase: https://github.com/andir/go-prom-irc


Implements GitLab API and pipe output into the configured IRC channels.



go get github.com/f-breidenstein/go-gitlab-irc

go-gitlab-irc -host irc.hackint.org -sslport 6697 -nickname my-go-gitlab-irc-bot -cafile hackint-rootca.crt -channelmapping channelmapping.yml


Gitlab Webhook

By default, the bot will listen on localhost at port 8084. Use the following URL to add it to your webhooks in gitlab:

Script Options

 Usage of ./go-rom-irc:
  -cafile string
        Path to the ca file that verifies the server certificate.
  -channelmapping string
        Path to the channel mapping file that mapps repository names to irc channels.
  -gecos string
        Realname to assume once connected (default "go-gitlab-irc")
  -host string
        Hostname of the IRC server (default "irc.hackint.org")
  -nickname string
        Nickname to assume once connected (default "go-gitlab-irc")
  -sslport int
        SSL capable port of the IRC server (default 6697)

go-gitlab-irc only supports connecting to IRC via SSL so far. Make sure you provide the proper -cafile option for your network.