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Update code library dependencies on a regular basis #18057

Open getvictor opened 3 months ago

getvictor commented 3 months ago
User story
As a Fleet contributor,
I want to update all dependencies now and also keep doing on a regular basis
so that all our libraries are updated. (All vulnerabilities and other aspects)

We should schedule a task to update our code library dependencies regularly (once a quarter?) for:


As part of this process, we should also look for library dependencies to eliminate to reduce the surface area for vulnerabilities/bugs/maintenance.

lucasmrod commented 3 months ago


Notes from the discussion we had today mostly around YAML 1.1 vs 1.2:

/cc @noahtalerman @getvictor

lukeheath commented 3 months ago

@getvictor @lucasmrod Thanks for creating this ticket! I'm on board with keeping dependencies up to date. Moving to YAML 1.2 makes sense to me, but because it would have user-facing implications, I'm adding this to the feature fest board so @noahtalerman can consider the impact and when it makes sense to bring it into drafting. If either of y'all can attend the next feature fest, it would help get it prioritized, as I imagine Noah will have questions.

noahtalerman commented 3 months ago

Hey @lukeheath! I met w/ @lucasmrod and @getvictor.

Makes sense to bring this the YAML update as it's own story through feature fest.

  1. It seems nowhere in our docs we advice to use yes/no/on/off for booleans. (TODO: confirm.)
  2. Will Fleet break if we drop support for yaml 1.1 and a user is using yamls 1.1? (TODO: check.)

Plan is to update to YAML 1.2 if (1) from the above is confirmed and we know we won't break any of Fleet's interfaces.

If that's not the case, we'll reconsider making the update.

noahtalerman commented 3 months ago

Hey @getvictor and @lucasmrod do we have a separate story for the YAML update? I think we decided to bring only the YAML update through feature fest.

We should schedule a task to update our code library dependencies regularly (once a quarter?) for:

Go Frontend fleetd-chrome others?

This story sounds like a new engineering initiated ritual. Removing this issue from feature fest and adding ~engineering-initiated so that it gets in Luke's queue. I think up to @lukeheath to prioritize.

lukeheath commented 3 months ago

@sharon-fdm I am prioritizing this story for estimation. Per @noahtalerman's notes, please update this story to cover everything except the dependencies that require us to update to YAML 1.2. Then, create a separate story for the YAML 1.2 updates and bring that to feature fest. Thanks!

sharon-fdm commented 3 months ago

@lukeheath I need to double-check but I believe the vulnerable libs will require YAML 1.2. Will keep this ticket updated with the discussion.

lukeheath commented 3 months ago

@sharon-fdm I was confused, I just chatted with Noah on Feature Fest. We only need to take through product if there is a customer-facing change. If not, we can update within engineering.

lukeheath commented 2 months ago

@sharon-fdm I removed the frontend portion of the dependencies because there is less security risk there, and there's no strong reason to spend so much effort updating frontend dependencies right now.

The backend estimates are a bit more manageable though, and also present a higher security risk, so this is still worth considering. I am not prioritizing right now in favor of other work.

sharon-fdm commented 2 months ago

@lukeheath makes sense. We can start with the backend deps.

getvictor commented 2 months ago

I calculated libyear for our dependencies. libyear is the cumulative age of our dependencies (compared to their current stable releases).

component libyear
Backend 132.87
Frontend 247.03
fleetd-chrome 21.55

Most out-of-date frontend dependency (7.66 libyears): classnames Most out-of-date backend dependency (5.28 libyears): etree

Frontend report

│ (index) │ dependency                                            │ drift │ pulse │ releases │ major │ minor │ patch │ available      │
│ 0       │ '@babel/cli'                                          │ 2.18  │ 0.05  │ 18       │ 0     │ 7     │ 11    │ '7.24.5'       │
│ 1       │ '@babel/core'                                         │ 1.74  │ 0.05  │ 40       │ 0     │ 6     │ 34    │ '7.24.5'       │
│ 2       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties'             │ 0.49  │ 1.12  │ 2        │ 0     │ 2     │ 0     │ '7.18.6'       │
│ 3       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators'                   │ 2.11  │ 0.11  │ 33       │ 0     │ 7     │ 26    │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 4       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-do-expressions'               │ 2.21  │ 0.11  │ 4        │ 0     │ 4     │ 0     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 5       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from'          │ 2.21  │ 0.11  │ 8        │ 0     │ 5     │ 3     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 6       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from'        │ 0.54  │ 1.12  │ 3        │ 0     │ 2     │ 1     │ '7.18.9'       │
│ 7       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-function-bind'                │ 2.21  │ 0.11  │ 6        │ 0     │ 4     │ 2     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 8       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-function-sent'                │ 2.21  │ 0.11  │ 6        │ 0     │ 5     │ 1     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 9       │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings'                 │ 0.49  │ 1.12  │ 2        │ 0     │ 2     │ 0     │ '7.18.6'       │
│ 10      │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators' │ 0.97  │ 1.12  │ 4        │ 0     │ 3     │ 1     │ '7.20.7'       │
│ 11      │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator'  │ 0.49  │ 1.12  │ 2        │ 0     │ 2     │ 0     │ '7.18.6'       │
│ 12      │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator'            │ 0.49  │ 1.12  │ 1        │ 0     │ 1     │ 0     │ '7.18.6'       │
│ 13      │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining'            │ 1.14  │ 1.12  │ 5        │ 0     │ 4     │ 1     │ '7.21.0'       │
│ 14      │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator'            │ 2.07  │ 0.11  │ 8        │ 0     │ 4     │ 4     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 15      │ '@babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions'            │ 2.21  │ 0.11  │ 4        │ 0     │ 4     │ 0     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 16      │ '@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import'                 │ 0     │ 4.34  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 17      │ '@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta'                    │ 0     │ 3.88  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 18      │ '@babel/preset-env'                                   │ 1     │ 0.05  │ 24       │ 0     │ 3     │ 21    │ '7.24.5'       │
│ 19      │ '@babel/preset-react'                                 │ 1.72  │ 0.11  │ 6        │ 0     │ 3     │ 3     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 20      │ '@babel/preset-typescript'                            │ 0.89  │ 0.11  │ 7        │ 0     │ 3     │ 4     │ '7.24.1'       │
│ 21      │ '@storybook/addon-a11y'                               │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 22      │ '@storybook/addon-actions'                            │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 23      │ '@storybook/addon-designs'                            │ 0.71  │ 0.04  │ 6        │ 1     │ 0     │ 5     │ '8.0.1'        │
│ 24      │ '@storybook/addon-essentials'                         │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 25      │ '@storybook/addon-links'                              │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 26      │ '@storybook/addon-mdx-gfm'                            │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 27      │ '@storybook/react-webpack5'                           │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 28      │ '@storybook/react'                                    │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 29      │ '@storybook/test-runner'                              │ 0.76  │ 0     │ 8        │ 0     │ 5     │ 3     │ '0.18.0'       │
│ 30      │ '@testing-library/jest-dom'                           │ 0.24  │ 0.04  │ 3        │ 0     │ 0     │ 3     │ '6.4.5'        │
│ 31      │ '@testing-library/react'                              │ 0.07  │ 0.03  │ 5        │ 0     │ 0     │ 5     │ '15.0.7'       │
│ 32      │ '@testing-library/user-event'                         │ 0     │ 0.38  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 33      │ '@tsconfig/recommended'                               │ 3.66  │ 0.11  │ 5        │ 0     │ 0     │ 5     │ '1.0.6'        │
│ 34      │ '@types/chrome'                                       │ 0.96  │ 0.02  │ 31       │ 0     │ 0     │ 31    │ '0.0.268'      │
│ 35      │ '@types/classnames'                                   │ 4.43  │ 3.07  │ 14       │ 1     │ 1     │ 12    │ '2.3.1'        │
│ 36      │ '@types/dompurify'                                    │ 0.55  │ 0.53  │ 3        │ 0     │ 0     │ 3     │ '3.0.5'        │
│ 37      │ '@types/expect'                                       │ 1.69  │ 4.53  │ 2        │ 1     │ 0     │ 1     │ '24.3.0'       │
│ 38      │ '@types/file-saver'                                   │ 1.82  │ 0.53  │ 2        │ 0     │ 0     │ 2     │ '2.0.7'        │
│ 39      │ '@types/jest'                                         │ 0     │ 0.29  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 40      │ '@types/js-md5'                                       │ 2.33  │ 0.53  │ 3        │ 0     │ 1     │ 2     │ '0.7.2'        │
│ 41      │ '@types/js-yaml'                                      │ 1.97  │ 0.52  │ 4        │ 0     │ 0     │ 4     │ '4.0.9'        │
│ 42      │ '@types/lodash'                                       │ 2.22  │ 0     │ 28       │ 0     │ 1     │ 27    │ '4.17.4'       │
│ 43      │ '@types/memoize-one'                                  │ 0     │ 4.55  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 44      │ '@types/mocha'                                        │ 5.8   │ 0.48  │ 32       │ 5     │ 4     │ 23    │ '10.0.6'       │
│ 45      │ '@types/node'                                         │ 2.24  │ 0.01  │ 642      │ 5     │ 36    │ 601   │ '20.12.12'     │
│ 46      │ '@types/prop-types'                                   │ 2.71  │ 0.15  │ 8        │ 0     │ 0     │ 8     │ '15.7.12'      │
│ 47      │ '@types/react-dom'                                    │ 1     │ 0.06  │ 26       │ 0     │ 1     │ 25    │ '18.3.0'       │
│ 48      │ '@types/react-router'                                 │ 0.93  │ 1.4   │ 66       │ 2     │ 2     │ 62    │ '5.1.20'       │
│ 49      │ '@types/react-select'                                 │ 3.19  │ 2.63  │ 79       │ 4     │ 1     │ 74    │ '5.0.1'        │
│ 50      │ '@types/react-table'                                  │ 2.41  │ 0.16  │ 13       │ 0     │ 0     │ 13    │ '7.7.20'       │
│ 51      │ '@types/react-tabs'                                   │ 0.32  │ 2.08  │ 6        │ 1     │ 0     │ 5     │ '5.0.5'        │
│ 52      │ '@types/react-tooltip'                                │ 0     │ 4.05  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 53      │ '@types/react'                                        │ 0.18  │ 0.02  │ 19       │ 0     │ 1     │ 18    │ '18.3.2'       │
│ 54      │ '@types/sockjs-client'                                │ 2.34  │ 0.52  │ 3        │ 0     │ 0     │ 3     │ '1.5.4'        │
│ 55      │ '@types/uuid'                                         │ 2.05  │ 0.31  │ 9        │ 1     │ 0     │ 8     │ '9.0.8'        │
│ 56      │ '@types/validator'                                    │ 0.26  │ 0.02  │ 1        │ 0     │ 0     │ 1     │ '13.11.10'     │
│ 57      │ '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin'                    │ 1.09  │ 0     │ 62       │ 2     │ 34    │ 26    │ '7.9.0'        │
│ 58      │ '@typescript-eslint/parser'                           │ 1.09  │ 0     │ 62       │ 2     │ 34    │ 26    │ '7.9.0'        │
│ 59      │ 'ace-builds'                                          │ 3.85  │ 0.01  │ 79       │ 0     │ 29    │ 50    │ '1.33.2'       │
│ 60      │ 'autoprefixer'                                        │ 0     │ 0.16  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 61      │ 'axios'                                               │ 0.38  │ 0.02  │ 8        │ 0     │ 0     │ 8     │ '1.6.8'        │
│ 62      │ 'babel-core'                                          │ 0.45  │ 6.06  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 63      │ 'babel-eslint'                                        │ 1.5   │ 4.22  │ 5        │ 1     │ 1     │ 3     │ '10.1.0'       │
│ 64      │ 'babel-jest'                                          │ 0.91  │ 0.01  │ 15       │ 0     │ 5     │ 10    │ '29.7.0'       │
│ 65      │ 'babel-loader'                                        │ 1.71  │ 0.86  │ 9        │ 1     │ 2     │ 6     │ '9.1.3'        │
│ 66      │ 'babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node'                    │ 0     │ 4.07  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 67      │ 'bourbon'                                             │ 4.51  │ 1.31  │ 5        │ 2     │ 3     │ 0     │ '7.3.0'        │
│ 68      │ 'classnames'                                          │ 7.66  │ 0.38  │ 8        │ 0     │ 3     │ 5     │ '2.5.1'        │
│ 69      │ 'core-js'                                             │ 1.68  │ 0.01  │ 31       │ 0     │ 12    │ 19    │ '3.37.1'       │
│ 70      │ 'css-loader'                                          │ 1.32  │ 0.1   │ 10       │ 1     │ 5     │ 4     │ '7.1.1'        │
│ 71      │ 'date-fns'                                            │ 2.22  │ 0.16  │ 19       │ 1     │ 8     │ 10    │ '3.6.0'        │
│ 72      │ 'dompurify'                                           │ 1.01  │ 0.02  │ 12       │ 0     │ 1     │ 11    │ '3.1.3'        │
│ 73      │ 'es6-object-assign'                                   │ 0     │ 7.16  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 74      │ 'es6-promise'                                         │ 0     │ 4.94  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 75      │ 'esbuild-loader'                                      │ 2.21  │ 0.19  │ 12       │ 2     │ 6     │ 4     │ '4.1.0'        │
│ 76      │ 'eslint-config-airbnb'                                │ 4.42  │ 2.39  │ 15       │ 4     │ 4     │ 7     │ '19.0.4'       │
│ 77      │ 'eslint-config-prettier'                              │ 1.75  │ 0.46  │ 7        │ 1     │ 6     │ 0     │ '9.1.0'        │
│ 78      │ 'eslint-import-resolver-webpack'                      │ 5.43  │ 0.57  │ 15       │ 0     │ 3     │ 12    │ '0.13.8'       │
│ 79      │ 'eslint-plugin-import'                                │ 1.94  │ 0.42  │ 11       │ 0     │ 4     │ 7     │ '2.29.1'       │
│ 80      │ 'eslint-plugin-jest'                                  │ 6.96  │ 0.04  │ 265      │ 8     │ 105   │ 152   │ '28.5.0'       │
│ 81      │ 'eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y'                              │ 6.33  │ 0.54  │ 22       │ 1     │ 8     │ 13    │ '6.8.0'        │
│ 82      │ 'eslint-plugin-prettier'                              │ 2.39  │ 0.35  │ 10       │ 2     │ 3     │ 5     │ '5.1.3'        │
│ 83      │ 'eslint-plugin-react-hooks'                           │ 2.46  │ 0     │ 5        │ 0     │ 3     │ 2     │ '4.6.2'        │
│ 84      │ 'eslint-plugin-react'                                 │ 2     │ 0.17  │ 23       │ 0     │ 5     │ 18    │ '7.34.1'       │
│ 85      │ 'eslint-plugin-storybook'                             │ 0.99  │ 0.25  │ 6        │ 0     │ 2     │ 4     │ '0.8.0'        │
│ 86      │ 'eslint'                                              │ 2.76  │ 0.04  │ 65       │ 2     │ 59    │ 4     │ '9.2.0'        │
│ 87      │ 'expect'                                              │ 7.2   │ 0.01  │ 109      │ 9     │ 44    │ 56    │ '29.7.0'       │
│ 88      │ 'express'                                             │ 0     │ 0.14  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ '5.0.0-beta.3' │
│ 89      │ 'file-saver'                                          │ 2.66  │ 3.49  │ 5        │ 1     │ 0     │ 4     │ '2.0.5'        │
│ 90      │ 'fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin'                      │ 1.91  │ 0.55  │ 26       │ 3     │ 3     │ 20    │ '9.0.2'        │
│ 91      │ 'history'                                             │ 5.84  │ 2.23  │ 34       │ 3     │ 15    │ 16    │ '5.3.0'        │
│ 92      │ 'html-webpack-plugin'                                 │ 2.15  │ 0.41  │ 5        │ 0     │ 1     │ 4     │ '5.6.0'        │
│ 93      │ 'identity-obj-proxy'                                  │ 0     │ 7.79  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 94      │ 'ignore-styles'                                       │ 0     │ 7.72  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 95      │ 'isomorphic-fetch'                                    │ 0     │ 3.65  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 96      │ 'jest-environment-jsdom-sixteen'                      │ 1.11  │ 3.07  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ '2.0.0'        │
│ 97      │ 'jest-environment-jsdom'                              │ 0.91  │ 0.01  │ 15       │ 0     │ 5     │ 10    │ '29.7.0'       │
│ 98      │ 'jest'                                                │ 0.91  │ 0.01  │ 15       │ 0     │ 5     │ 10    │ '29.7.0'       │
│ 99      │ 'js-md5'                                              │ 5.81  │ 0.6   │ 4        │ 0     │ 1     │ 3     │ '0.8.3'        │
│ 100     │ 'js-yaml'                                             │ 0.35  │ 3.09  │ 2        │ 1     │ 1     │ 0     │ '4.1.0'        │
│ 101     │ 'jsdom'                                               │ 2.47  │ 0.32  │ 21       │ 8     │ 5     │ 8     │ '24.0.0'       │
│ 102     │ 'json-loader'                                         │ 0     │ 6.82  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 103     │ 'lodash'                                              │ 0     │ 3.23  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 104     │ 'memoize-one'                                         │ 0.49  │ 2.57  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ '6.0.0'        │
│ 105     │ 'mini-css-extract-plugin'                             │ 1.08  │ 0.08  │ 5        │ 0     │ 2     │ 3     │ '2.9.0'        │
│ 106     │ 'msw'                                                 │ 1.59  │ 0.02  │ 61       │ 2     │ 8     │ 51    │ '2.3.0'        │
│ 107     │ 'node-bourbon'                                        │ 0     │ 8.15  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 108     │ 'node-sass-glob-importer'                             │ 0     │ 0.88  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 109     │ 'node-sass'                                           │ 0.52  │ 0.99  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ '9.0.0'        │
│ 110     │ 'normalizr'                                           │ 0     │ 2.16  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 111     │ 'postcss-loader'                                      │ 2.79  │ 0.22  │ 26       │ 4     │ 9     │ 13    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 112     │ 'prettier'                                            │ 3.18  │ 0.28  │ 33       │ 1     │ 8     │ 24    │ '3.2.5'        │
│ 113     │ 'prop-types'                                          │ 0     │ 2.36  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 114     │ 'proxy-middleware'                                    │ 0     │ 8.56  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 115     │ 'rc-pagination'                                       │ 5.69  │ 0.39  │ 87       │ 3     │ 16    │ 68    │ '4.0.4'        │
│ 116     │ 'react-accessible-accordion'                          │ 0.71  │ 2.08  │ 2        │ 2     │ 0     │ 0     │ '5.0.0'        │
│ 117     │ 'react-ace'                                           │ 3.14  │ 0.15  │ 9        │ 2     │ 3     │ 4     │ '11.0.1'       │
│ 118     │ 'react-docgen-typescript-plugin'                      │ 1.14  │ 0.14  │ 1        │ 0     │ 0     │ 1     │ '1.0.6'        │
│ 119     │ 'react-dom'                                           │ 1.86  │ 0     │ 2        │ 0     │ 1     │ 1     │ '18.3.1'       │
│ 120     │ 'react-error-boundary'                                │ 2.34  │ 0.21  │ 14       │ 1     │ 0     │ 13    │ '4.0.13'       │
│ 121     │ 'react-markdown'                                      │ 1.56  │ 0.51  │ 6        │ 1     │ 0     │ 5     │ '9.0.1'        │
│ 122     │ 'react-query'                                         │ 0.41  │ 1.31  │ 14       │ 1     │ 5     │ 8     │ '4.0.0'        │
│ 123     │ 'react-router-transition'                             │ 2.97  │ 3.3   │ 4        │ 1     │ 3     │ 0     │ '2.1.0'        │
│ 124     │ 'react-router'                                        │ 4.18  │ 0.02  │ 69       │ 3     │ 29    │ 37    │ '6.23.1'       │
│ 125     │ 'react-select-5'                                      │ NaN   │ 0.33  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 126     │ 'react-select'                                        │ 5.29  │ 0.53  │ 61       │ 4     │ 17    │ 40    │ '5.8.0'        │
│ 127     │ 'react-table'                                         │ 1.05  │ 2     │ 1        │ 0     │ 1     │ 0     │ '7.8.0'        │
│ 128     │ 'react-tabs'                                          │ 1.71  │ 0.84  │ 12       │ 3     │ 5     │ 4     │ '6.0.2'        │
│ 129     │ 'react-tooltip-5'                                     │ NaN   │ NaN   │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 130     │ 'react-tooltip'                                       │ 2.92  │ 0.02  │ 79       │ 1     │ 29    │ 49    │ '5.26.4'       │
│ 131     │ 'react'                                               │ 1.86  │ 0     │ 2        │ 0     │ 1     │ 1     │ '18.3.1'       │
│ 132     │ 'regenerator-runtime'                                 │ 2.4   │ 0.42  │ 4        │ 0     │ 1     │ 3     │ '0.14.1'       │
│ 133     │ 'remark-gfm'                                          │ 1.87  │ 0.66  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ '4.0.0'        │
│ 134     │ 'sass-loader'                                         │ 1.05  │ 0.08  │ 9        │ 1     │ 3     │ 5     │ '14.2.1'       │
│ 135     │ 'select'                                              │ 0     │ 7.27  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 136     │ 'sockjs-client'                                       │ 0     │ 1.97  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 137     │ 'sqlite-parser'                                       │ 0     │ 6.92  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 138     │ 'storybook'                                           │ 0.54  │ 0     │ 34       │ 1     │ 2     │ 31    │ '8.1.1'        │
│ 139     │ 'trace-unhandled'                                     │ 0     │ 3.2   │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │
│ 140     │ 'ts-loader'                                           │ 3.65  │ 0.5   │ 54       │ 3     │ 9     │ 42    │ '9.5.1'        │
│ 141     │ 'ts-node'                                             │ 1.76  │ 0.44  │ 6        │ 0     │ 2     │ 4     │ '10.9.2'       │
│ 142     │ 'tslint-react'                                        │ 1.95  │ 4.07  │ 4        │ 2     │ 2     │ 0     │ '5.0.0'        │
│ 143     │ 'tslint'                                              │ 2.24  │ 3.79  │ 18       │ 1     │ 11    │ 6     │ '6.1.3'        │
│ 144     │ 'typescript'                                          │ 2.11  │ 0     │ 24       │ 1     │ 7     │ 16    │ '5.4.5'        │
│ 145     │ 'use-debounce'                                        │ 0.58  │ 0.53  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ '10.0.0'       │
│ 146     │ 'uuid'                                                │ 2.76  │ 0.68  │ 2        │ 1     │ 0     │ 1     │ '9.0.1'        │
│ 147     │ 'validator'                                           │ 0.76  │ 0.02  │ 1        │ 0     │ 1     │ 0     │ '13.12.0'      │
│ 148     │ 'webpack-cli'                                         │ 0.5   │ 0.94  │ 6        │ 0     │ 1     │ 5     │ '5.1.4'        │
│ 149     │ 'webpack-notifier'                                    │ 1.03  │ 2.41  │ 4        │ 0     │ 3     │ 1     │ '1.15.0'       │
│ 150     │ 'webpack'                                             │ 0.96  │ 0.16  │ 22       │ 0     │ 13    │ 9     │ '5.91.0'       │
│ 151     │ 'when'                                                │ 0     │ 7.24  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'          │

# Collective
drift: package is 247.03 libyears behind.
pulse: dependencies are 201.67 libyears behind.
releases: dependencies are 3138 releases behind.
major: dependencies are 128 releases behind.
minor: dependencies are 755 releases behind.
patch: dependencies are 2255 releases behind.

fleetd-chrome report

│ (index) │ dependency               │ drift │ pulse │ releases │ major │ minor │ patch │ available        │
│ 0       │ '@jest/globals'          │ 0.52  │ 0.01  │ 6        │ 0     │ 2     │ 4     │ '29.7.0'         │
│ 1       │ '@types/chrome'          │ 1.16  │ 0.02  │ 44       │ 0     │ 0     │ 44    │ '0.0.268'        │
│ 2       │ '@types/jest'            │ 0.16  │ 0.29  │ 1        │ 0     │ 0     │ 1     │ '29.5.12'        │
│ 3       │ 'async-mutex'            │ 0     │ 0.18  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ 'N/A'            │
│ 4       │ 'copy-webpack-plugin'    │ 1.67  │ 0.33  │ 3        │ 1     │ 0     │ 2     │ '12.0.2'         │
│ 5       │ 'css-loader'             │ 1.32  │ 0.1   │ 10       │ 1     │ 5     │ 4     │ '7.1.1'          │
│ 6       │ 'dotenv'                 │ 1.39  │ 0.24  │ 15       │ 0     │ 4     │ 11    │ '16.4.5'         │
│ 7       │ 'html-webpack-plugin'    │ 2.15  │ 0.41  │ 5        │ 0     │ 1     │ 4     │ '5.6.0'          │
│ 8       │ 'jest-environment-jsdom' │ 0     │ 0.01  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ '30.0.0-alpha.4' │
│ 9       │ 'jest'                   │ 0.52  │ 0.01  │ 6        │ 0     │ 2     │ 4     │ '29.7.0'         │
│ 10      │ 'msw'                    │ 1.2   │ 0.02  │ 50       │ 1     │ 5     │ 44    │ '2.3.0'          │
│ 11      │ 'node-sass'              │ 0.52  │ 0.99  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ '9.0.0'          │
│ 12      │ 'sass-loader'            │ 1.43  │ 0.08  │ 11       │ 1     │ 3     │ 7     │ '14.2.1'         │
│ 13      │ 'style-loader'           │ 2.46  │ 0.1   │ 4        │ 1     │ 0     │ 3     │ '4.0.0'          │
│ 14      │ 'ts-jest'                │ 1.02  │ 0.32  │ 3        │ 0     │ 1     │ 2     │ '29.1.2'         │
│ 15      │ 'ts-loader'              │ 0.96  │ 0.5   │ 4        │ 0     │ 1     │ 3     │ '9.5.1'          │
│ 16      │ 'ts-node'                │ 0     │ 0.44  │ 0        │ 0     │ 0     │ 0     │ '11.0.0-beta.1'  │
│ 17      │ 'typescript'             │ 1.19  │ 0     │ 13       │ 1     │ 4     │ 8     │ '5.4.5'          │
│ 18      │ 'wa-sqlite'              │ NaN   │ 0.36  │ 1        │ 1     │ 0     │ 0     │ '1.0.0'          │
│ 19      │ 'webpack-cli'            │ 0.5   │ 0.94  │ 6        │ 0     │ 1     │ 5     │ '5.1.4'          │
│ 20      │ 'webpack-merge'          │ 2.35  │ 0.59  │ 2        │ 0     │ 2     │ 0     │ '5.10.0'         │
│ 21      │ 'webpack'                │ 1.03  │ 0.16  │ 26       │ 0     │ 15    │ 11    │ '5.91.0'         │

# Collective
drift: package is 21.55 libyears behind.
pulse: dependencies are 6.11 libyears behind.
releases: dependencies are 211 releases behind.
major: dependencies are 8 releases behind.
minor: dependencies are 46 releases behind.
patch: dependencies are 157 releases behind.

Backend report:

package                                                                     version                               date        latest                                latest_date  libyear
github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4                                                                                       2024-05-17                                                     132.87
cloud.google.com/go/pubsub                                                  1.33.0                                2023-07-24  1.38.0                                2024-05-06   0.79
fyne.io/systray                                                             1.10.1-0.20240111184411-11c585fff98d  2022-06-08  1.10.1-0.20240111184411-11c585fff98d  2022-06-08   0.00
github.com/AbGuthrie/goquery/v2                                             2.0.1                                 2020-01-19  2.0.4                                 2020-05-27   0.35
github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock                                              1.5.0                                 2020-06-28  1.5.2                                 2024-01-06   3.53
github.com/Masterminds/semver                                               1.5.0                                 2019-09-11  1.5.0                                 2019-09-11   0.00
github.com/RobotsAndPencils/buford                                          0.14.0                                2019-10-11  0.14.0                                2019-10-11   0.00
github.com/VividCortex/mysqlerr                                             0.0.0-20170204212430-6c6b55f8796f     2017-02-04  1.0.0                                 2021-04-26   4.22
github.com/WatchBeam/clock                                                  0.0.0-20170901150240-b08e6b4da7ea     2017-09-01  0.0.0-20220922162503-4933054921a2     2022-09-22   5.06
github.com/XSAM/otelsql                                                     0.10.0                                2021-12-13  0.31.0                                2024-05-02   2.39
github.com/andygrunwald/go-jira                                             1.16.0                                2022-07-08  1.16.0                                2022-07-08   0.00
github.com/antchfx/xmlquery                                                 1.3.14                                2023-01-12  1.4.0                                 2024-04-06   1.23
github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go                                                   1.44.288                              2023-06-22  1.53.4                                2024-05-16   0.90
github.com/beevik/etree                                                     1.1.0                                 2019-02-02  1.4.0                                 2024-05-13   5.28
github.com/beevik/ntp                                                       0.3.0                                 2020-03-19  1.4.1                                 2024-05-03   4.12
github.com/briandowns/spinner                                               1.13.0                                2021-05-26  1.23.0                                2023-03-06   1.78
github.com/cenkalti/backoff                                                 2.2.1+incompatible                    2019-07-17  2.2.1+incompatible                    2019-07-17   0.00
github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4                                              4.2.1                                 2023-02-28  4.3.0                                 2024-01-02   0.84
github.com/clbanning/mxj                                                    1.8.4                                 2019-01-21  1.8.4                                 2019-01-21   0.00
github.com/danieljoos/wincred                                               1.2.1                                 2023-12-15  1.2.1                                 2023-12-15   0.00
github.com/davecgh/go-spew                                                  1.1.1                                 2018-02-21  1.1.1                                 2018-02-21   0.00
github.com/dgraph-io/badger/v2                                              2.2007.2                              2020-08-27  2.2007.4                              2021-08-25   0.99
github.com/digitalocean/go-smbios                                           0.0.0-20180907143718-390a4f403a8e     2018-09-07  0.0.0-20180907143718-390a4f403a8e     2018-09-07   0.00
github.com/docker/docker                                                    24.0.9+incompatible                   2024-02-01  26.1.3+incompatible                   2024-05-15   0.29
github.com/docker/go-units                                                  0.4.0                                 2019-04-23  0.5.0                                 2022-05-17   3.07
github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9                                              9.18.0                                2021-10-16  9.19.0                                2023-11-21   2.10
github.com/e-dard/netbug                                                    0.0.0-20151029172837-e64d308a0b20     2015-10-29  0.0.0-20151029172837-e64d308a0b20     2015-10-29   0.00
github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs                                       1.0.1                                 2020-05-09  1.0.1                                 2020-05-09   0.00
github.com/facebookincubator/flog                                           0.0.0-20190930132826-d2511d0ce33c     2019-09-30  0.0.0-20190930132826-d2511d0ce33c     2019-09-30   0.00
github.com/fatih/color                                                      1.15.0                                2023-03-12  1.17.0                                2024-04-08   1.08
github.com/getsentry/sentry-go                                              0.18.0                                2023-02-07  0.27.0                                2024-02-07   1.00
github.com/ghodss/yaml                                                      1.0.0                                 2017-03-27  1.0.0                                 2017-03-27   0.00
github.com/github/smimesign                                                 0.2.0                                 2021-10-04  0.2.0                                 2021-10-04   0.00
github.com/go-git/go-git/v5                                                 5.11.0                                2023-12-08  5.12.0                                2024-03-19   0.28
github.com/go-ini/ini                                                       1.67.0                                2022-08-08  1.67.0                                2022-08-08   0.00
github.com/go-kit/kit                                                       0.12.0                                2021-09-18  0.13.0                                2023-05-29   1.69
github.com/go-kit/log                                                       0.2.1                                 2022-04-27  0.2.1                                 2022-04-27   0.00
github.com/go-ole/go-ole                                                    1.2.6                                 2021-09-15  1.3.0                                 2023-08-04   1.89
github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql                                              1.7.1                                 2023-04-25  1.8.1                                 2024-03-26   0.92
github.com/gocarina/gocsv                                                   0.0.0-20220310154401-d4df709ca055     2022-03-10  0.0.0-20231116093920-b87c2d0e983a     2023-11-16   1.69
github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4                                                4.4.2                                 2022-06-04  4.5.0                                 2022-12-09   0.52
github.com/gomodule/oauth1                                                  0.2.0                                 2021-11-19  0.2.0                                 2021-11-19   0.00
github.com/gomodule/redigo                                                  1.8.9                                 2022-07-06  1.9.2                                 2024-02-25   1.64
github.com/google/go-cmp                                                    0.6.0                                 2023-08-31  0.6.0                                 2023-08-31   0.00
github.com/google/go-github/v37                                             37.0.0                                2021-07-09  37.0.0                                2021-07-09   0.00
github.com/google/uuid                                                      1.3.0                                 2021-07-12  1.6.0                                 2024-01-23   2.53
github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser                                            1.1.0                                 2021-11-28  1.26.1                                2024-05-15   2.46
github.com/goreleaser/nfpm/v2                                               2.10.0                                2021-11-23  2.37.1                                2024-05-09   2.46
github.com/gorilla/mux                                                      1.8.0                                 2020-07-11  1.8.1                                 2023-10-18   3.27
github.com/gorilla/websocket                                                1.4.2                                 2020-03-19  1.5.1                                 2023-10-18   3.58
github.com/gosuri/uilive                                                    0.0.4                                 2020-01-03  0.0.4                                 2020-01-03   0.00
github.com/groob/finalizer                                                  0.0.0-20170707115354-4c2ed49aabda     2017-07-07  0.0.0-20210806035223-91592c9e1e0b     2021-08-06   4.08
github.com/groob/plist                                                      0.0.0-20220217120414-63fa881b19a5     2022-02-17  0.0.0-20220217120414-63fa881b19a5     2022-02-17   0.00
github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror                                          1.1.1                                 2021-03-11  1.1.1                                 2021-03-11   0.00
github.com/hectane/go-acl                                                   0.0.0-20190604041725-da78bae5fc95     2019-06-04  0.0.0-20230122075934-ca0b05cb1adb     2023-01-22   3.64
github.com/hillu/go-ntdll                                                   0.0.0-20220801201350-0d23f057ef1f     2022-08-01  0.0.0-20240418173803-69345773b582     2024-04-18   1.71
github.com/igm/sockjs-go/v3                                                 3.0.2                                 2021-11-11  3.0.3                                 2023-11-08   1.99
github.com/jmoiron/sqlx                                                     1.3.5                                 2022-04-16  1.4.0                                 2024-04-15   2.00
github.com/josephspurrier/goversioninfo                                     1.4.0                                 2022-01-06  1.4.0                                 2022-01-06   0.00
github.com/kevinburke/go-bindata                                            3.24.0+incompatible                   2023-03-24  3.24.0+incompatible                   2023-03-24   0.00
github.com/kolide/launcher                                                  1.0.12                                2023-06-23  1.6.6                                 2024-05-16   0.90
github.com/lib/pq                                                           1.10.9                                2023-04-26  1.10.9                                2023-04-26   0.00
github.com/macadmins/osquery-extension                                      1.0.1                                 2024-05-07  1.0.1                                 2024-05-07   0.00
github.com/mattermost/xml-roundtrip-validator                               0.0.0-20201213122252-bcd7e1b9601e     2020-12-13  0.1.0                                 2020-12-19   0.02
github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3                                                 1.14.22                               2024-02-02  1.14.22                               2024-02-02   0.00
github.com/micromdm/micromdm                                                1.9.0                                 2022-01-29  1.12.1                                2024-03-15   2.12
github.com/mitchellh/go-ps                                                  1.0.0                                 2020-02-03  1.0.0                                 2020-02-03   0.00
github.com/mitchellh/gon                                                    0.2.6-0.20231031204852-2d4f161ccecd   2022-03-30  0.2.6-0.20231031204852-2d4f161ccecd   2022-03-30   0.00
github.com/mna/redisc                                                       1.3.2                                 2021-09-05  1.4.0                                 2023-10-20   2.12
github.com/nfnt/resize                                                      0.0.0-20180221191011-83c6a9932646     2018-02-21  0.0.0-20180221191011-83c6a9932646     2018-02-21   0.00
github.com/ngrok/sqlmw                                                      0.0.0-20211220175533-9d16fdc47b31     2021-12-20  0.0.0-20220520173518-97c9c04efc79     2022-05-20   0.41
github.com/nukosuke/go-zendesk                                              0.13.1                                2022-08-13  0.18.0                                2024-02-06   1.48
github.com/oklog/run                                                        1.1.0                                 2020-01-08  1.1.0                                 2020-01-08   0.00
github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter                                           0.0.5                                 2021-02-10  0.0.5                                 2021-02-10   0.00
github.com/open-policy-agent/opa                                            0.44.0                                2022-09-07  0.64.1                                2024-04-26   1.64
github.com/oschwald/geoip2-golang                                           1.8.0                                 2022-08-07  1.9.0                                 2023-06-18   0.86
github.com/osquery/osquery-go                                               0.0.0-20231130195733-61ac79279aaa     2023-11-30  0.0.0-20231130195733-61ac79279aaa     2023-11-30   0.00
github.com/pandatix/nvdapi                                                  0.6.4                                 2023-10-16  0.6.5                                 2023-11-20   0.10
github.com/patrickmn/go-cache                                               2.1.0+incompatible                    2017-07-22  2.1.0+incompatible                    2017-07-22   0.00
github.com/pkg/errors                                                       0.9.1                                 2020-01-14  0.9.1                                 2020-01-14   0.00
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib                                               1.0.0                                 2016-01-10  1.0.0                                 2016-01-10   0.00
github.com/prometheus/client_golang                                         1.19.0                                2024-02-27  1.19.1                                2024-05-09   0.20
github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl                                       0.3.22                                2022-12-28  0.3.22                                2022-12-28   0.00
github.com/rs/zerolog                                                       1.20.0                                2020-08-06  1.32.0                                2024-02-01   3.49
github.com/russellhaering/goxmldsig                                         1.2.0                                 2022-03-02  1.4.0                                 2023-04-20   1.13
github.com/scjalliance/comshim                                              0.0.0-20230315213746-5e51f40bd3b9     2023-03-15  0.0.0-20231116235529-bbacf79a4691     2023-11-16   0.67
github.com/sethvargo/go-password                                            0.2.0                                 2020-07-05  0.3.0                                 2024-04-18   3.79
github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3                                               3.23.3                                2023-03-31  3.24.4                                2024-04-30   1.08
github.com/skratchdot/open-golang                                           0.0.0-20200116055534-eef842397966     2020-01-16  0.0.0-20200116055534-eef842397966     2020-01-16   0.00
github.com/spf13/cast                                                       1.4.1                                 2021-08-15  1.6.0                                 2023-11-28   2.29
github.com/spf13/cobra                                                      1.5.0                                 2022-06-21  1.8.0                                 2023-11-02   1.37
github.com/spf13/viper                                                      1.10.0                                2021-12-12  1.18.2                                2023-12-18   2.02
github.com/stretchr/testify                                                 1.9.0                                 2024-02-29  1.9.0                                 2024-02-29   0.00
github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf                                        0.5.2                                 2023-01-24  0.7.0                                 2023-11-28   0.84
github.com/throttled/throttled/v2                                           2.8.0                                 2021-06-12  2.12.0                                2023-06-29   2.05
github.com/tj/assert                                                        0.0.3                                 2020-06-08  0.0.3                                 2020-06-08   0.00
github.com/ulikunitz/xz                                                     0.5.10                                2021-02-02  0.5.12                                2024-04-03   3.17
github.com/urfave/cli/v2                                                    2.23.5                                2022-11-09  2.27.2                                2024-04-27   1.47
github.com/ziutek/mymysql                                                   1.5.4                                 2015-01-09  1.5.4                                 2015-01-09   0.00
go.elastic.co/apm/module/apmgorilla/v2                                      2.3.0                                 2023-03-31  2.6.0                                 2024-04-11   1.03
go.elastic.co/apm/module/apmsql/v2                                          2.4.3                                 2023-06-22  2.6.0                                 2024-04-11   0.81
go.elastic.co/apm/v2                                                        2.4.3                                 2023-06-22  2.6.0                                 2024-04-11   0.81
go.etcd.io/bbolt                                                            1.3.6                                 2021-05-23  1.3.10                                2024-05-03   2.95
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go.opentelemetry.io/otel                                                    1.19.0                                2023-09-28  1.26.0                                2024-04-24   0.57
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go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk                                                1.19.0                                2023-09-28  1.26.0                                2024-04-24   0.57
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golang.org/x/exp                                                            0.0.0-20230105202349-8879d0199aa3     2023-01-05  0.0.0-20240506185415-9bf2ced13842     2024-05-06   1.33
golang.org/x/image                                                          0.10.0                                2023-08-01  0.16.0                                2024-05-05   0.76
golang.org/x/mod                                                            0.12.0                                2023-06-21  0.17.0                                2024-03-15   0.73
golang.org/x/net                                                            0.24.0                                2024-04-04  0.25.0                                2024-05-06   0.09
golang.org/x/oauth2                                                         0.16.0                                2024-01-08  0.20.0                                2024-04-22   0.29
golang.org/x/sync                                                           0.3.0                                 2023-06-01  0.7.0                                 2024-03-04   0.76
golang.org/x/sys                                                            0.19.0                                2024-04-04  0.20.0                                2024-05-03   0.08
golang.org/x/text                                                           0.14.0                                2023-10-11  0.15.0                                2024-04-15   0.51
golang.org/x/tools                                                          0.13.0                                2023-09-05  0.21.0                                2024-05-06   0.67
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google.golang.org/grpc                                                      1.58.3                                2023-10-10  1.64.0                                2024-05-14   0.59
gopkg.in/guregu/null.v3                                                     3.5.0                                 2020-04-25  3.5.0                                 2020-04-25   0.00
gopkg.in/ini.v1                                                             1.67.0                                2022-08-08  1.67.0                                2022-08-08   0.00
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2                                            2.0.0                                 2018-08-17  2.2.1                                 2023-02-06   4.48
gopkg.in/yaml.v2                                                            2.4.0                                 2020-11-17  2.4.0                                 2020-11-17   0.00
howett.net/plist                                                            1.0.0                                 2021-11-27  1.0.1                                 2023-10-24   1.91
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