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Receive events-based real-time alerts on potential threats in Fleet. #18650

Open sharon-fdm opened 2 weeks ago

sharon-fdm commented 2 weeks ago


User story
As a customer collecting system events with Fleet/osquery,
I want to receive real-time alerts on potential threats.
so that I can remediate them quickly.


Initial dev estimation: 0.5 - 1 person x sprint


EDR analyzing all events on a platform

EDR systems typically collect a lot of events and process them on the backend platform/server to create insights and alerts. This has many advantages but also comes with a tag of big cost to upload and analyze massive amounts of events. Can FleetDM do it (collect the events)? Yes. See below the method of real-time collection using scheduled queries routing the logs to a third-party mechanism for analysis.

Detection on the host

An alternative to the above can be creating custom rules for detection directly on the host. This is a powerful way to detect potential events while filtering non-relevant events and saving costs. A good example is creating an SQL query that will only send information if something "wrong" happens, such as:

Flexibility advantage: OSQuery has a huge advantage of harnessing SQL-based queries to configure specific data collection by filtering it directly on the host. Other typical agents will require a round of development to configure a specific rule.

It's already there...

osquery has an existing way to collect events. There are several event-based tables and there is a lot of material out there to learn about it. TODO Sharon: Add links to articles. As an example, see FIM collection video.

We can collect events without any additional effort

Fleet does not have an integrated way to alert on threats quickly. But we could use two existing mechanisms to collect them: 1 - Policies could show problems on specific hosts but they are collected and updated every ~1 hour which is very slow in case a customer needs events based quick alerts. 2 - Scheduled queries could reroute logs to a third party (as we do in automation) and then run a Python script to identify specific results and warn about them somehow (outside of fleet).

Proposed "Alerts" mechanism

The proposed "Alerts" mechanism here is simple to implement and would allow customers to see threats in "real time". The customer will write high-frequency scheduled queries that should only return a result if something is wrong. e.g. SELECT * FROM file_events WHERE file_path = some_os_critical_file AND action = "UPDATED"; (Run every 30 sec)


Proposed UI change: 1 - Add a checkbox to scheduled-queries named "Alert on any result". If this checkbox is set, all results coming from this query will be kept and presented under the existing cached results area. 2A - Option A: Have an area similar to the cached results that will present all alerts. 2B - Option B: Have the necessary screen to configure a webhook. 3 - TODO: design an option to discard all alerts for a specific query.

Backend: 1 - In DB add a field to scheduled queries called "alert". 2 - In API:

TODO: Replace with a proper Figma file: (Se Alert checkbox at the bottom) image



ℹ️  Please read this issue carefully and understand it. Pay special attention to UI wireframes, especially "dev notes".


Risk assessment

Manual testing steps

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Testing notes


  1. [ ] Engineer (@____): Added comment to user story confirming successful completion of QA.
  2. [ ] QA (@____): Added comment to user story confirming successful completion of QA.
sharon-fdm commented 2 weeks ago

API draft PR: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/pull/18680