fleetdm / fleet

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Website: Improve how we display search results on the website #19518

Open mike-j-thomas opened 1 month ago

mike-j-thomas commented 1 month ago

Merge https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/19893 before working on this ticket.


User story
As a Fleet user or Fleet team member searching fleetdm.com,
I want complete search results with more context and better categorization between reference docs, articles, and guides.



Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/3he8e72251IEnF6dBafKq1/%F0%9F%9A%A7-fleetdm.com-(scratchpad)?node-id=14157-70959

eashaw commented 1 month ago

To migrate to a new algolia account, we will need to:

Estimation: 5 points

eashaw commented 1 month ago

I started setting up a new Algolia account to migrate our configuration, but when I was doing this, I realized that the hosted Algolia crawler is not included in any of the self-service plans that Algolia offers.

We will need to either host our own crawler, or contact Algolia to get a plan with an annual subscription. I will investigate the recommended way of hosting the crawler (I vaguely recall seeing a way of using GH actions to do this when we first set up DocSearch. I will see if I can find that)

eashaw commented 1 month ago

Updated scope:

Updated estimation: 3 points

mike-j-thomas commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks, @eashaw. Let's discuss when we meet.