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Revisit Fleet server DB error handling. #19896

Open ghernandez345 opened 2 weeks ago

ghernandez345 commented 2 weeks ago


User story
As a fleet API developer,
I want to know when a 5xx server error occurs,
so that I can handle 500 errors appropriately.


There seems to have been a decision to change all MySQL errors to validation errors with the error message Validation Failed and a 4xx status code. Sometimes, the errors are 5xx errors, like malformed SQL queries, but we lose this information when we change the status code and message. This seems to have been deliberately added in in this PR. We also expose DB implementation details in our API response messages when these errors occur, such as in this issue here


I think we should revisit how we handle DB error handling and not change the error status code or message for when actual 5xx DB errors occur. We should also ensure we don't leak DB implementation details in the error responses.


Risk assessment

Testing notes


  1. [ ] Engineer (@____): Added comment to user story confirming successful completion of QA.
  2. [ ] QA (@____): Added comment to user story confirming successful completion of QA.
noahtalerman commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for tracking this one @ghernandez345!

Since this looks like an engineering initiated story, I'm removing :product and leaving ~engineering-initiated so that it moves into Luke's queue.