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self-hosted microMDM server to test migrations #19924

Open roperzh opened 2 weeks ago

roperzh commented 2 weeks ago


User story
As a Fleet contributor,
I want to have an accessible MDM that's not Fleet
so that I can test different migration scenarios.




lukeheath commented 2 weeks ago

@roperzh This is a great idea! As we migrate more and more customers, this will be a valuable investment in QA and contributor experience that will result in faster iteration with fewer bugs. I'm prioritizing this to the drafting board in the "Specified" column and assigning to @georgekarrv for estimation.

georgekarrv commented 2 weeks ago

Depending on difficulty and helm support. I might be able to throw this up and configure on micromdm.dragonlimit.com first thing monday.

roperzh commented 2 weeks ago

@georgekarrv amazing! some thoughts:

  1. you could use Fleet old flow (or export the certs and keys from the DB) as a shortcut to get all the configs you need.
  2. microMDM uses boltdb so that part is simple! ~3. In addition to microMDM we also need a SCEP server, https://github.com/micromdm/scep would be the easiest way to go~

EDIT: I was wrong about the last point, we just need the micro server