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Improve multi-selector experience in UI and add search functionality when interacting with Teams in Fleet UI #20135

Open Patagonia121 opened 2 weeks ago

Patagonia121 commented 2 weeks ago

customer-rocher has identified a need for improvements in the team selector UI. The current UX becomes cumbersome when managing a large number of teams (approximately 160 teams). The issues are particularly evident when running queries or performing actions that involve multiple teams.

example of UI with all their teams today:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 14 16 15

The proposed two-part FR is as such:

  1. Multi-selector UI improvement
    • consider redesigning the team selection UI to handle a much larger number of teams more efficiently
    • Implement a more streamlined selection method that can handle bulk actions more optimally
  2. Add search functionality to teams dropdown
    • Add a search bar within the team selector UI to allow admins to quickly locate and select specific teams by name or other identifiers
    • Ensure the search function is responsive and can handle partial matches or dynamic filtering as the user types

The benefits to the customer would include:

  1. Increased productivity by allowing users to quickly perform actions across numerous teams without manual scrolling or searching
  2. Improved accuracy in team selection, minimizing the risk of missing or incorrectly selecting teams during workflows

I have a snippet of this call that talks to these issues as well that I'm happy to share offline. I can also bring to POH if necessary. Thanks!

noahtalerman commented 1 week ago

Hey @Patagonia121 thanks for tracking this! Really good feature request.

I have a snippet of this call that talks to these issues

If you can, can you please share the Gong snippet in the comments here?

Patagonia121 commented 1 week ago

@noahtalerman snippet is here: https://us-65885.app.gong.io/call?id=8901516499611503752&highlights=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22SHARE%22%2C%22from%22%3A320%2C%22to%22%3A652%7D%5D