Closed PezHub closed 2 days ago
@georgekarrv @PezHub take it with a grain of salt as this might be an error on how I understand the homebrew stranzas, but I believe unless we customize the scripts ourselves, this is how those are going to work. I sent a message about this in Slack:
For the uninstall script, we're translating metadata we get from homebrew. I noticed that some apps don't include directives to quit the app when open, for example (as I would expect an uninstall script to do). So each app will have to be quaed with some nuance
ccing @George Karr on this one. for Box Drive, it has a script directive to run an uninstall script the app provides. When run as root you get an error, when run as a user you get asked for the root password... so this one doesn't work great
QA Notes:
Box drive uninstalled successfully but Cloudfare stuck around, regardless of whether or not the app was open on the host at the time of uninstall.
It still gave a false positive message that the uninstall succeeded. Here's the output
QA Notes:
uninstall succeeded after fix! confirmed removed on host.
Uninstall false cheer, Apps persist, yet Fleet sees clear, Fix will bring users near.
Fleet version: latest main
Web browser and operating system: N/A
💥 Actual behavior
Both FMAs fail to uninstall and provide the user with a false positive "successful uninstall" message. Note: The uninstalls were both attempted while the apps were closed.
🧑💻 Steps to reproduce
🕯️ More info (optional)
WARP results -
uninstall script output -
Box Drive results -
uninstall script output -