flexibeast / ewmctrl

Use wmctrl to manage desktop windows from Emacs
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ewmctrl - Use wmctrl to manage desktop windows via EWMH/NetWM

Author: Alexis flexibeast@gmail.com
URL: https://github.com/flexibeast/ewmctrl

ewmctrl provides an Emacs interface to the wmctrl command-line window-management program.

Table of Contents


Install ewmctrl from MELPA, or put ewmctrl.el in your load-path and do a (require 'ewmctrl).


Create an ewmctrl buffer with M-x ewmctrl.

The default keybindings are:

Window actions




Customisation options are available via the ewmctrl customize-group.

Issues / bugs

Deletion of windows does not work in i3 4.8 and earlier due to i3 bug #1396.

If you discover an issue or bug in ewmctrl not already noted:

please create a new issue with as much detail as possible, including:


GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Converted from ewmctrl.el by el2markdown.