flextype-plugins / imgholder

Imgholder plugin to create placeholder images for Flextype
MIT License
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Imgholder Plugin for Flextype

version Flextype MIT License

Imgholder plugin to create placeholder images for Flextype


  1. Unzip plugin to the folder /site/plugins/
  2. Go to /site/config/site.yaml and add plugin name to plugins section.
  3. Save your changes.


  - imgholder

Usage in page content

Simple usage


Set width and height

![Image]([imgholder width=200 height=200])

Set text color

![Image]([imgholder width=200 height=200 text_color=white])

Set background color

![Image]([imgholder width=200 height=200 text_color=white bg_color=black])

Set text

![Image]([imgholder width=200 height=200 text_color=white bg_color=black text_color=white text='Pixel'])

Set font name

![Image]([imgholder width=200 height=200 text_color=white bg_color=black text_color=white text='Pixel' font_name=roboto])

Set font size

![Image]([imgholder width=200 height=200 text_color=white bg_color=black text_color=white text='Pixel' font_name=roboto font_size=12])

Set image extension

![Image]([imgholder width=200 height=200 text_color=white bg_color=black text_color=white text='Pixel' font_name=roboto font_size=12 ext="png"])

Usage in template

<img src="https://github.com/flextype-plugins/imgholder/raw/master/<?php echo imgholder(['width' => 200, 'height' => 200, 'text_color' => 'white', 'bg_color' => 'black' 'text_color' => 'white', 'text' => 'Imgholder', 'font_name' => 'roboto', 'font_size' => 12, ext => 'png']); ?>" alt="">


name value description
enabled true or false to disable the plugin
width 300 Image width
height 200 Image height
text_color white Image text color
bg_color white Image bg color
text Imgholder Image text
font_name Imgholder Image font name (roboto, arial, bebas, bitter, corki, debby, fashon fetish, gtw, kelson, matias, ptsans, ptsans italic, ptserif, robotoslab, tahoma)
font_size 12 Image font size
ext png Image extension
