flightaware / Tcl-bounties

Bounty program for improvements to Tcl and certain Tcl packages
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bounty tcl

Due to the impact of the coronavirus, FlightAware's Tcl Bounty program is temporarily on hold until the business climate has stabilized.


Bounty program for improvements to Tcl and certain Tcl packages.

FlightAware is offering a number of bounties for various enhancements, fixes, etc, for Tcl and/or Tcl extensions.

Bounties we are offering run to tens of thousands of dollars.

Upgrade the scotty extension

Status: bounty conditions met by @jorge-leon PAID

Status: bounty conditions met by @jorge-leon PAID

Support for SO_REUSEPORT on server sockets

Status: Bounty conditions met by lemonboy... PAID

tclreadline improvements

Status: Bounty conditions met by dbohdan, pull request https://github.com/flightaware/tclreadline/pull/1. PAID

Support for epoll()/kqueue() to replace select() in socket handling

Status: Bounty conditions met by lalbornoz, implementation in trunk. PAID

Clean up of tcltls

Status: Bounty conditions met by rkeene. PAID

Call-by-name syntactic sugar for proc definitions that would obviate most uses of upvar

Status: Part of http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/457.html

Speed up clock format and clock scan

Complete by @sebres, waiting on core team to pick up. PARTIALLY PAID

Revive the Tcl Pro debugger

There was a Tcl Pro package from Scriptics many years ago that was open sourced. Included was a source-level debugger.

Status: Completed by blacksqrl, PAID

Make TclX's signal trap handlers safe to use with threaded Tcl

## Make TclX's profiler work properly with Tcl 8.6

Status: complete by Rami Khaldi.

Stop Tcl from eating child process exit status gratuitously

Status: Integrated into core, thank you Frédéric Bonnet.

A reasonable C API for enumerating an array

"after -at"

array default arrayName value

"array foreach"

Status: Bounty conditions met by Brad Lanam, paid.

Tcl package introspection improvements

Status: bounty conditions met by nijtmans

Named Parameters

Status: No longer part of the program.

Tcl runtime performance improvements

Rules for Tcl bounties