Project: GAP Citations Analyzator
The GAP citations dataset was assembled using the MathSciNet database. We would like to express our gratitude to the American Mathematical Society for giving us such opportunity.
Our software consists of 3 parts, the first is a web-scraper in the form of Python script file “.py”, the other two parts are Jupyter Notebooks.
If you cannot run the code for various reasons, you can still study the project using the
folder. It contains both Jupyter Notebooks as PDF files and the 3 maps we created
as HTML files.
Part 1. Instructions for use for the web-scraping tool.
Location: is located in the code
Input: CSV file containing MR numbers, or any other list of suffixes to be combined with the URL
base. Currently the input for local mode is test-input.csv
and for remote mode GapBibMR.csv
Output /in remote mode/: two CSV files: 1. output.csv
whcih once it run successfully we copied
and renamed to gap_citations_corpus.csv
to be used by the next module in the
pipeline - Data Prep Module Jupyter notebook
which contains any anomalies, it was copied and renamed
to no_citation_text.csv
in the notebooks folder to be loaded by the Data Prep Module. It takes one argument to specify mode of operation – local or remote. All you need to do is run
the script using one of the two arguments and it will retrieve information from the web as per
your input, then produce output CSV files to be processed and analysed using the next two parts
of the software.
-if you enter python local
in your python environment it will use test_input.csv and our test URL which is D:\
-or if you enter python remote
it will use the GapBibMR.csv for input and the MathSciNet website URL.
Reusability: If you need to use the tool for retrieving information from another website, you will need to update the base URL, input file and the scraping loop, depending on the element where your target information is located in the HTML.
Prerequisites: for the scripts to work the following conditions need to be met:
o Python version 3 or higher is needed -
o remote needs to be run on the authorised server 'kovacs' so it can access the
MathSciNet database
o both input CSV files need to be placed in the same directory with or otherwise
the file-path in the code should be updated
o The tool requires the following libraries: Pandas, Regex, BeautifulSoup4, Requests, itertools,
sys, time.
In case you need to install some or all of them please use the requirements.txt
in the general
project directory.
Part 2. Instructions for using the second part Data Prep Module.ipynb
Location: notebooks
Input: one BIB file gap-publishednicer.bib
downloaded from GAP website and two CSV files
produced by Part 1
and no_citation_text.csv
Output: 3 CSV files: full.csv
, gap.csv
and pac.csv
If you do not have Jupyter Notebook installed, this official documentation guide will
help: .
As prerequisites you need the latest version of Python and the following libraries:
Providing the default input provided with the project is used, you can run all cells and the tool will prepare the data for analysis.
In case input was modified, then the whole code should be revised to match the new data column names.
It will output 3 CSV files, one containing the whole data merged_df
and two subsets containing
filtered data for pure GAP citations gap_df
or for GAP Packages only pac_df
Part 3. Instructions for using the third part Data Analysis and Visualisation.ipynb
Location: notebooks
Input: 3 CSV files produced by Part 2
: full.csv
, gap.csv
and pac.csv
Output: No files, visualisations and analysis viewed directly in the notebook along with the code.
Prerequisites: They are the same as for Part 2, but we use additional libraries here: matplotlib, json, os, folium, branca, folium.features, future, ipywidgets, cufflinks.
Implementation: To use the tool simply open the file Data Analysis and Visualisation.ipynb using your Jupyter Notebook in your browser. If the default input was used and no modifications were made to the first two parts of the software pipeline, then you can run the whole notebook. It will then display all visualisations and tables, which you can study by scrolling your mouse. There are interactive visualisations which will change as you update their parameters using the drop-down elements.
In case you modified the first two parts of the software, you will need to edit most of the code
in this notebook to adjust it to the new incoming data, mainly you need t make sure column names
in your data and your code match, and datatypes of the columns must be appropriate for the
performed operations. For instance, we can only take the mean of a column which contains only
numerical cells.