flixlix / power-flow-card-plus

A power distribution card inspired by the official Energy Distribution card for Home Assistant
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[BUG] 0.2.0 Beta values are factor 1000 to high in individual entitites #502

Open iot-sle opened 4 months ago

iot-sle commented 4 months ago

The values of individual entities are factor 1000 higher as they are in real. Secondary_info values are fine. I'm using helper for calculating the values. In code of 'main' branch they were working fine. Switching to individual entitites they start to show wrong values and the count of decimals is ignored when set. Always 3 decimals shown, when decimals > 0.

    - entity: sensor.solthermie_viertelstundlich
      name: Solarthermie
      icon: mdi:solar-panel-large
      display_zero: true
      display_zero_state: true
      unit_of_measurement: kW
      color_value: false
      color_icon: true
      show_direction: true
      inverted_animation: true
      color: white
      decimals: 2
        entity: sensor.solthermie_pumpe_umdrehung
        icon: mdi:pump
        decimals: 0
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        color_value: false
        display_zero_state: true
    - entity: sensor.gasverbrauch_viertelstundlich
      name: Gas
      icon: mdi:meter-gas
      display_zero: true
      display_zero_state: true
      unit_of_measurement: m³
      color_value: false
      color_icon: true
      show_direction: true
      inverted_animation: true
      decimals: 2
        - 30
        - 30
        - 30
        entity: sensor.gasverbrauch_taglich
        decimals: 2
        unit_of_measurement: m³
        color_value: false

correct values: Solarthermie: 0,332 kW Gas: 0,51 m³

grafik grafik

dominikamann commented 4 months ago

Same for me but only if I use my KG sensor (pellet consumption)


On top decimal settings are not working currently.


If i use it as secondary option the decimals seems to work


Thank you!

kimbo1st commented 2 months ago

Idem dito: https://github.com/flixlix/power-flow-card-plus/discussions/559