flixlix / power-flow-card-plus

A power distribution card inspired by the official Energy Distribution card for Home Assistant
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animation card cards custom energy flow home-assistant home-automation plus power

Power Flow Card Plus

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Version 0.2.0 is out now! โœจ Check out the new features!

Additional Features / Enhancements

... and More: - Option for card full size - Add Grid Tolerance for small values, to not display the battery correcting grid values - New and improved Flow Rate Model - Choose wether or not to color icons, text, etc. - Display Individual power entities - Customize Individual entities's label, icon and color - Configure wether to hide Individual Entity when state is 0 or unavailable - Clickable entities (including home) - Fixed crooked lines - Have curved lines connect to the Circles - Keep color of battery to grid line, even when not returning - Display Low Carbon Energy from the grid - Customize Low Carbon Energy label, icon, circle color, icon color and state type - Customize Battery, Solar and Home's color, icon, color of icon and label


The Goal of this card is to provide an easy to understand and visualize way of displaying the current Power Distribution coming from and to different sources, such as solar, grid, home batteries etc. Furthermore, this card aims to expose a lot of customizability and control of its behavior to the configuration, allowing users to tailor it to their specific requirements.


This card does not aim to display Energy Values (Meaning accumulated power over 1 day, for example). If this is your goal, check out the Energy Flow Card Plus.


In case you want to watch a tutorial instead of reading through this very long readme ๐Ÿ˜…, I recommend the following videos:


HACS (recommended)

This card is directly available through HACS. To install HACS, follow these instructions. After having HACS installed, simply search for "Power Flow Card Plus" and download it using the UI ๐Ÿ™‚

Manual install 1. Download and copy `power-flow-card-plus.js` from the [latest release](https://github.com/flixlix/power-flow-card-plus/releases/latest) into your `config/www` directory. 2. Add the resource reference as decribed below. ### Add resource reference If you configure Dashboards via YAML, add a reference to `power-flow-card-plus.js` inside your `configuration.yaml`: ```yaml resources: - url: /local/power-flow-card-plus.js type: module ``` Else, if you prefer the graphical editor, use the menu to add the resource: 1. Make sure, advanced mode is enabled in your user profile (click on your user name to get there) 2. Navigate to Settings -> Dashboards 3. Click three dot icon 4. Select Resources 5. Hit (+ ADD RESOURCE) icon 6. Enter URL `/local/power-flow-card-plus.js` and select type "JavaScript Module". (Use `/hacsfiles/power-flow-card-plus/power-flow-card-plus.js` and select "JavaScript Module" for HACS install if HACS didn't do it already)


This card offers a LOT of configuration options. Don't worry, if you want your card's appearance to match the oficial Energy Flow Card, you will only need to setup the entities. The rest of the options only enable further customization. If this is your goal, please go to Minimal Configuration


Card options

Name Type Default Description
type string required custom:power-flow-card-plus.
entities object required One or more sensor entities, see entities object for additional entity options.
title string Shows a title at the top of the card.
dashboard_link string Shows a link to an Energy Dashboard. Should be a url path to location of your choice. If you wanted to link to the built-in dashboard you would enter /energy for example.
dashboard_link_label string Go To Energy Dashboard (auto-translates) If set, overrides the default link label to go to a different dashboard.
second_dashboard_link string Shows another link to an Energy Dashboard. Should be a url path to location of your choice. If you wanted to link to the built-in dashboard you would enter /energy for example. (Only available in the YAML Editor)
second_dashboard_link_label string Go To Energy Dashboard (auto-translates) If set, overrides the second default link label to go to a different dashboard.
kw_decimals number 1 Number of decimals rounded to when kilowatts are displayed.
w_decimals number 1 Number of decimals rounded to when watts are displayed.
min_flow_rate number .75 Represents how much time it takes for the quickest dot to travel from one end to the other in seconds.
max_flow_rate number 6 Represents how much time it takes for the slowest dot to travel from one end to the other in seconds.
watt_threshold number 0 The number of watts to display before converting to and displaying kilowatts. Setting of 0 will always display in kilowatts.
clickable_entities boolean false If true, clicking on the entity will open the entity's more info dialog.
min_expected_power number 0.01 Represents the minimum amount of power (in Watts) expected to flow through the system at a given moment. Only used in the New Flow Formula.
max_expected_power number 2000 Represents the maximum amount of power (in Watts) expected to flow through the system at a given moment. Only used in the New Flow Formula.
display_zero_lines object {mode: "show"} Check Display Zero Lines
full_size boolean false Warning: This option is experimental. To use this option, you must set your view to panel mode. If set to true, the card will take up the full height of the screen. And the Card should go to the center of the screen.
style_ha_card css CSS Styling to apply to the container of the card (border and background of the card).
style_card_content css CSS Styling to apply to the content of the card (all circles and lines of the card).
use_new_flow_rate_model boolean false If set to true, the card will use the New Flow Formula.

Entities object

At least one of grid, battery, or solar is required. All entites (except _batterycharge) should have a unit_of_measurement attribute of W(watts) or kW(kilowatts).

Name Type Description
grid object Check Grid Configuration for more information.
solar object Check Solar Configuration for more information.
battery object Check Battery Configuration for more information.
individual array Check Individual Devices for more information.
home object Check Home Configuration for more information.
fossil_fuel_percentage object Check Fossil Fuel Percentage for more information.

Grid Configuration

Name Type Default Description
entity string or object undefined required Entity ID of a sensor supporting a single state with negative values for production and positive values for consumption or an object for split entites. Examples of both can be found below.
name string Grid If you don't populate this option, the label will continue to update based on the language selected.
icon string mdi:transmission-tower Icon path for the icon inside the Grid Circle.
color object Check Color Objects for more information.
color_icon boolean or "production" or "consumption" false If set to true, icon color will match the highest value. If set to production, icon color will match the production. If set to consumption, icon color will match the consumption.
display_state "two_way" or "one_way" or "one_way_no_zero" two_way If set to two_way the production will always be shown simultaneously, no matter the state. If set to one_way only the direction that is active will be shown (since this card only shows instantaneous power, there will be no overlaps โœ…). If set to one_way_no_zero the behavior will be the same as one_way but you will still the consumption direction when every state is 0.
color_circle boolean or "production" or "consumption" false If set to true, the color of the grid circle changes depending on if you are consuming from the grid or returning to it. If set to production, circle color will match the production. If set to consumption, circle color will match the consumption. If set to false, circle color will match the consumption.
secondary_info object undefined Check Secondary Info Object
display_zero_tolerance number 0 If the state of the entity is less than this number, it will be considered zero. This is to avoid having the grid circle show a small amount of consumption when the battery is trying to correct itself to the grid.
power_outage object undefined Configure how the card handles a power outage. Check Power Outage for more info.
color_value boolean Default is true. If set to false, the values of power will not be colored according to input and output.
invert_state boolean false If set to true the direction as well as the values will be inverted, meaning a positive value will be shown as production and a negative value will be shown as consumption.

Solar Configuration

Name Type Default Description
entity string undefined required Entity ID providing a state with the value of solar production.
name string Solar Label for the solar option. If you don't populate this option, the label will continue to update based on the language selected.
icon string mdi:solar-power Icon path for the icon inside the Solar Circle.
color string HEX value of the color for circles labels and lines of solar production.
color_icon boolean false If set to true, icon color will match the circle's color. If set to false, icon color will match the text's color.
color_value boolean false If set to true, text color of the state will match the circle's color. If set to false, text color of the state will be your primary text color.
secondary_info object undefined Check Secondary Info Object
display_zero_state boolean true If set to true, the state will be shown even if it is 0. If set to false, the state will be hidden if it is 0.
invert_state boolean false If set to true the direction as well as the values will be inverted, meaning a negative value will be shown as production and a negative value will be shown as 0.

Battery Configuration

Name Type Default Description
entity string or object undefined required Entity ID of a sensor supporting a single state with negative values for production and positive values for consumption or an object for split entities. Examples of both can be found below.
state_of_charge string undefined required Entity ID providing a state with the state of charge of the battery in percent (state of 100 for a full battery).
state_of_charge_unit string % Unit of the state of charge.
state_of_charge_unit_white_space boolean true If set to false, the unit of the state of charge will not have a white space in front of it.
state_of_charge_decimals number 0 Number of decimals to show for the state of charge.
name string Battery Label for the battery option. If you don't populate this option, the label will continue to update based on the language selected.
icon string mdi:battery or dynamic based on state of the battery Icon path for the icon inside the Battery Circle.
color object Check Color Objects for more information.
color_icon boolean or "production" or "consumption" false If set to true, icon color will match the highest value. If set to production, icon color will match the production. If set to consumption, icon color will match the consumption.
display_state "two_way" or "one_way" or "one_way_no_zero" two_way If set to two_way the production will always be shown simultaneously, no matter the state. If set to one_way only the direction that is active will be shown (since this card only shows instantaneous power, there will be no overlaps โœ…). If set to one_way_no_zero the behavior will be the same as one_way but you will still the consumption direction when every state is 0.
state_of_charge_unit_white_space boolean true If set to false, there will be no white space between the state of charge and the unit of the state of charge.
color_state_of_charge_value boolean or "production" or "consumption" false If set to true, state of charge text color will match the highest value. If set to production, state of charge text color will match the production. If set to consumption, state of charge text color will match the consumption.
color_circle boolean or "production" or "consumption" true If set to true, circle color will match the highest value. If set to production, circle color will match the production. If set to consumption, circle text color will match the consumption.
color_value boolean true If set to false, the values of power will not be colored according to input and output.
invert_state boolean false If set to true the direction as well as the values will be inverted, meaning a positive value will be shown as production and a negative value will be shown as consumption.

Individual Configuration

The Individual fields must be an array of objects. Each object must follow the following structure:

Name Type Default Description
entity string undefined required Entity ID providing a state with the value of an individual consumption.
name string Car or Motorcycle Label for the individual device option. If you don't populate this option, the label will continue to update based on the language selected.
icon string mdi:car-electric or mdi:motorbike-electric Icon path for the icon inside the Individual Device Circle.
color string #d0cc5b or #964cb5 HEX value of the color for circles labels and lines of the individual device.
color_icon boolean false If set to true, icon color will match the circle's color. If set to false, icon color will match the text's color.
unit_of_measurement string Wor kW (dynamic) Sets the unit of measurement to show in the corresponding circle
inverted_animation boolean false If set to true, the small dots will flow in the opposite direction.
secondary_info object undefined Check Secondary Info Object. The secondary_info entity can provide a number or a string (eg: EV State charging and discharging).
display_zero boolean false If set to true, the device will be displayed even if the entity state is 0 or not a number (eg: unavailable). Otherwise, the non-fossil section will be hidden.
display_zero_tolerance number 0 If set, the device will be displayed if the state is greater than the tolerance set (This is also available for the secondary info). No need to set display_zero property to true.
display_zero_state boolean true If set to true, the state will be shown even if it is 0. If set to false, the state will be hidden if it is 0.
color_value boolean false If set to true, state text color will match the circle's color. If set to false, state text color will be the primary text color.
decimals number 0 Number of decimals to show in the corresponding state.

Home Configuration

Name Type Default Description
entity string undefined required Entity ID providing a state with the value of your home's consumption. Note that this entity will not be displayed and will only be used for the more info dialog when clicking the home section.
name string Home Label for the home option. If you don't populate this option, the label will continue to update based on the language selected.
icon string mdi:home Icon path for the icon inside the Home Circle.
color_icon boolean or "solar" or "grid" or "battery" false If set to true, icon color will match the highest value. If set to solar, icon color will match the color of solar. If set to grid, icon color will match the color of the grid consumption. If set to battery, icon color will match the color of the battery consumption.
color_value boolean or "solar" or "grid" or "battery" false If set to true, state text color will match the highest value. If set to solar, state text color will match the color of solar. If set to grid, state text color will match the color of the grid consumption. If set to battery, state text color will match the color of the battery consumption.
secondary_info object undefined Check Secondary Info Object
subtract_individual boolean false If set to true, the home consumption will be calculated by subtracting the sum of the individual devices from the home consumption.
override_state boolean false If set to true, the home consumption will be the state of the entity provided. By default the home consumption is caluclated by adding up all sources. This is useful, when for example you are using an inverter and it has power losses.

Fossil Fuel Configuration

Name Type Default Description
entity string none required Entity ID providing a state with the value of the percentage of fossil fuel consumption. The state should be 100 when all the energy from the grid comes from high emission sources and 0 when all the energy from the grid comes from low emission sources. It is recommended to use the CO2 Signal integration, which provides this sensor out of the box without any additional templating. This will also be the entity used in the more-info dialogs.
name string Low-carbon Name to appear as a label on top of the circle.
icon string mdi:leaf Icon path (eg: mdi:home) to display inside the circle of the device.
color string #0f9d58 HEX Value of a color to display as the stroke of the circle and line connecting to the grid.
color_icon boolean false If true, the icon will be colored with the color property. Otherwise it will be the same color as all other icons.
display_zero boolean true If set to true, the device will be displayed even if the entity state is 0 or not a number (eg: unavailable). Otherwise, the non-fossil section will be hidden.
display_zero_state boolean true If set to true, the state will be shown even if it is 0. If set to false, the state will be hidden if it is 0.
state_type string power The type of state to use for the entity. Can be power or percentage. When set to power the state will be the amount of power from the grid that is low-carbon. When set to percentage the state will be the percentage of power from the grid that is low-carbon.
unit_white_space boolean true If set to false will not add any whitespace between unit and state. Otherwise, white space will be added.
calculate_flow_rate boolean or number false If set to true, the flow rate will be calculated by using the flow rate formula (either the new or the old one, depending on your configuration). If set to a number, the flow rate will be set to that number. For example, defining the value 10 will ensure one dot will flow every 10 seconds.

Color Object

Name Type Description
production string HEX value of the color for circles labels and lines of production.
consumption string HEX value of the color for circles labels and lines of consumption.

Split entities

Can be use with either Grid or Battery configuration. The same unit_of_measurement rule as above applies.

Name Type Description
consumption string Entity ID providing a state value for consumption, this is required if using a split grid object.
production string Entity ID providing a state value for production

Secondary Info Configuration

This Feature allows you to configure an additional small text for each Individual Device. Here you can put , for example, the state of charge of an electric car.

Name Type Description
entity string required Entity ID providing a state value that is going to be displayed.
unit_of_measurement string A string to be used as the unit of measurement. (Important: don't forget surrounding string with quotes)
icon string An icon path to be displayed next to the state of the individual device. This is optional, meaning if you don't use this, no icon will be displayed.
unit_white_space boolean Default is true. If set to false will not add any whitespace between unit and state. Otherwise, white space will be added.
display_zero boolean Default is false. If set to true info will still be displayed if state of the entity is 0 or unavailable.
display_zero_tolerance number If set, the device will be displayed if the state is greater than the tolerance set. No need to set display_zero property to true.
decimals number The number of decimal places to round the value to.
template string Here you can enter a HA Template. The output of the template will be displayed. Space is limited inside the circle and too much text will result in overflow using ellipsis, so use with caution. Will update automatically in case one of the provided entities inside the template updates. Can only be used in case entity was not set.
accept_negative boolean Default is false. If set to true, negative values will be displayed as negative, otherwise they will be transformed to positive

Power Outage

This feature allows you to configure how the card handles a Grid Power Outage scenario.

Name Type Description
entity string required Entity ID providing a state that changes when there is a Power Outage. (eg: binary_sensor.grid_connection_status). Doesn't need to be a binary_sensor.
entity_generator string Entity ID providing the power of a Generator. (eg: sensor.generator_power). This is optional, meaning if you don't use this, the card will assume the grid is the only source of power.
state_alert string The state the provided entity is at when there is a power outage. Default is on, meaning if the entity's state is on the card will assume there is a power outage.
icon_alert string An icon path to be override the grid icon when there is a power outage. Default is mdi:transmission-tower-off.
label_alert string A text that will be displayed below the icon when there is a power outage.
calculate_flow_rate boolean or number false
If set to true, the flow rate will be calculated by using the flow rate formula (either the new or the old one, depending on your configuration). If set to a number, the flow rate will be set to that number. For example, defining the value 10 will ensure one dot will flow every 10 seconds.

Display Zero Lines

This object allows you to control the behavior of the flow lines that are inactive.

Name Type Description
mode string Valid Options are: show, hide, transparency, grey_out, custom
transparency number A number between 0 and 100. 100 means the line doesn't show at all. 0 means the line shows in full opacity. Default is 50. Will be used when the mode is either transparency or custom.
grey_color string or list of numbers Either a HEX Code or a List of three numbers between 0 and 255 in RGB order. Will be used when the mode is either grey_out or custom.

Minimal Configuration

Don't forget to change the entity ids

The following configurations will allow you to achieve your results with the least amount of lines of code / complexity. In these examples I decided to use the Split entities option, but feel free to use the combined entity option. More Info

Only Grid

type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
    entity: sensor.grid_power
      entity: sensor.power_outage
    display_state: one_way
    color_circle: true
watt_threshold: 10000

This should give you something like this:


Grid and Solar
type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
      consumption: sensor.grid_consumption
      production: sensor.grid_production
      display_state: one_way
      color_circle: true
    entity: sensor.solar_production

This should give you something like this:


Grid, Solar and Battery
type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
      consumption: sensor.grid_consumption
      production: sensor.grid_production
    display_state: one_way
    color_circle: true
    entity: sensor.solar_production
      consumption: sensor.battery_consumption
      production: sensor.battery_production
    state_of_charge: sensor.battery_state_of_charge
    display_state: one_way
    color_circle: true
    color_icon: true
watt_threshold: 10000

This should give you something like this:


Mix & Match Config aka "Full Config"

This Configuration is a little bit random, it's just here to demonstrate the capabilities of this card.

type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
    entity: sensor.home_consumption
    color_icon: solar
    entity: sensor.fossil_fuel_percentage
    icon: mdi:pine-tree
    color_icon: true
    display_zero: true
    name: Non Fossil
    state_type: power
    icon: mdi:ab-testing
    name: Provider
      production: sensor.grid_production
      consumption: sensor.grid_consumption
    icon: mdi:solar-panel-large
    entity: sensor.solar_production
    name: Bateria
    icon: mdi:bat
      consumption: sensor.battery_consumption
      production: sensor.battery_production
    - entity: sensor.car_power
      icon: mdi:car-electric
      color: "#80b8ff"
      name: Denim Flash
      color_icon: false
    - entity: sensor.motorbike_power
      name: Qivi
      color_icon: true
      display_zero: true
      color: "#ff8080"
      icon: mdi:motorbike-electric
w_decimals: 0
kw_decimals: 2
min_flow_rate: 0.9
max_flow_rate: 6
watt_threshold: 10000
clickable_entities: true
title: Power Flow Card Plus

This should give you something like this: minimal_config_full

Random Configurations

2023-03-26-13-04-07 recording_multi_indiv demo demo_grid_solar_bat

UI Editor (available in version 0.2)

[!TIP] I've made a lot of improvements in version 0.2 for the UI-Editor. Now each field has its own subpage, meaning there is now much less scrolling. The biggest change in the editor is the fact that you can now add up to 4 individual devices, all through the UI! ๐Ÿฅณ


Flow Formula

This formula is based on the official formula used by the Energy Distribution card.

max - (value / totalLines) * (max - min);
// max = max_flow_rate
// min = min_flow_rate
// value = line value, solar to grid for example
// totalLines = gridConsumption + solarConsumption + solarToBattery +
//   solarToGrid + batteryConsumption + batteryFromGrid + batteryToGrid

New Flow Formula

In contrast to the old flow formula, this formula calculates the flow rate independently from other lines, making it more intuitive to interpret the perceived power. This means that a state of 10W will always flow with the same velocity, no matter what other lines are doing. In other words this flow rate is calculated in absolute and not relative values.

To get this new Flow Formula to work, simply set use_new_flow_rate_model in the main configuration to true. You may want to play around with the max_expected_power, min_expected_power, max_flow_rate and min_flow_rate to get the speeds that you wish

if (value > maxIn) return maxOut; // In case power exceeds maximum expected power, use the fastest speed and ignore the rest.
return ((value - minIn) * (maxOut - minOut)) / (maxIn - minIn) + minOut;

// value = value of the current line to calculate (eg: grid to home)
// minIn = amount of watts at which the lowest speed will be selected.
//   โ†ณ In your configuration this is `min_expected_power`
//   โ†ณ eg: setting this at `100` means that at `100` watts, the dots will still flow at the lowest speed
// maxIn = amount of watts at which the highest speed will be selected.
//   โ†ณ In your configuration this is `max_expected_power`
//   โ†ณ eg: setting this at `2000` means that everything more than `2000` will flow at the highest speed selected
// minOut = amount of watts at which the lowest speed will be selected.
//   โ†ณ In your configuration this is `max_flow_rate`
//   โ†ณ eg: setting this at `5` means that one dot will take `5` second to travel
// maxOut = amount of watts at which the highest speed will be selected.
//   โ†ณ In your configuration this is `min_flow_rate`
//   โ†ณ eg: setting this at `1` means that one dot will take `1` second to travel

The following video aims to show the diffence between the two flow formulas:


Notice that when the Power changes to only coming from the sun, the old formula accelerates to maintain a constant amount of dots/second. Using the new formula is more intuitive, since you can immediately see that the Solar Power is relatively low since the dots are flowing very slowly. On the old Flow Formula you might think that the sun is producing a lot of power, which in this case is not true.

At the end of the day these are two options and depending on what you're interested, one might suit you better than the other, that's why I kept the old formula, you have the choice. ๐Ÿ™‚

To-Do List

Here is my to-do list containing a few enhancements I am planning in adding. The ones at the top are bigger priorities, so theyโ€™ll probably be available before the ones at the bottom.

I am still just one person working on this project and obviously have other things going on in my life, so feel free to contribute to the project. You can also feel free to create a PR with a new feature and I'll try my best to review it ๐Ÿ˜Š