floatdrop / gulp-bem

BEM toolset for gulp
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This package provides simple and clear tools to build your BEM project with simple deps.js support.


Building CSS for BEM project:

var gulp    = require('gulp');
var bem     = require('gulp-bem');
var concat  = require('gulp-concat');

var levels = ['base', 'blocks'];
var tree = bem(levels);


Pretty easy, eh, mate?

Take a look at getbem.com as example of full-featured web site created with BEM and gulp-bem-stub as starting template for projects!


bem(levels, [options])

Creates function, that used for resolving dependencies in BEM project. Returns deps function.


Type: Array or String
Default: process.cwd()

Contains array of Levels. They will be used in searching for requested blocks and ordering blocks with same names in different levels.


Type: Object

Options, that passed to bem-naming.


This method consumes stream of BEM objects and searches files by glob pattern in them.

All files, that contained under BEM object path, following some convention about naming. Often CSS file have name of block and added .css suffix. If BEM object describes block with modificators, then it can be block_mod_value.css. You can read about naming and directory structure at getbem.com, if there are questions about it.


Type: String or Array

Same as in gulp.src method, but with some interpolation happening. To provide BEM name generation - bem.src will substitute (with supplant syntax) all properties in BEM object.



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MIT (c) 2014 Vsevolod Strukchinsky