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Mobile Information Systems lecture materials
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Mobile Information Systems lecture materials


This repository contains lecture materials (mostly slide sets) for a graduate course in mobile information systems. This course was initially held at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the summer semester 2015 for M.Sc. students in the Computer Science and Media degree. Prerequisites are a bachelor's degree in computer science and good programming skills (theoretical as well as practical) in Java.

Comments, feedback and suggestions for improvement (including pull requests) are very welcome.

Some material was contributed by Prof. Dr. Matthias Kranz (University of Passau), Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz & Dr. Julie Wagner (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) - thanks again!


Original copyright © 2015 by Florian Echtler. All material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC-BY-SA-NC.

As a very brief summary, this means that you can freely use these materials as long as you:

Where possible, I have tagged material from external sources with CC (also under a compatible CC license), PD (public domain material) or FU (material which I believe to be included as "fair use").


The course currently spans 10 weekly sessions with the following topics:

There's also two extra lectures which are very topic-specific and might not work for some audiences:

The course is usually accompanied by an Android-based exercise class every two weeks. As the exercise materials are part of the graded course assignments, I'm currently not including them in this public release.

A video recording of the entire course (except lectures 10 and 12) is available on Youtube, also with CC license.

git and ODT

The files in this repository are in OpenDocument format. If you add the following lines to your ~/.gitconfig file and install the odt2txt utility, you can use the regular git diff command to compare versions etc. (see also here for more details).

[diff "odf"]
    textconv = odt2txt