GUI zur Aufzeichnung seiner Sportaktvitäten (in Perl / PerlTk)
This is how to prepare your system to run the application 'Touren verzeichnis'. Further, a short instruction (Quick start) is provi ded within this document about how to use the application, where which files are saved and which features are included in the code. HAVE FUN BY BEING OUTDOOR
There is no waranty on the functionality given. Further, I don't
provide any support or any bug fixing. There is also no waranty,
that this application will work out of the box on your system.
You may have to solve problems on your own or change parts of the
There exist two ways to install the necessary packages for this programm: one by a script and one manually.
(installation scripts not tested or finished up to now)
The scripts are recommend for anybody, who has no experience with perl or LaTeX.
Those scripts don't provide any configuration, means, that you have to take the default settings in all installation steps.
If perl or LaTex is already installed on your device, you probably have to modify these scripts according to your settings.
For these scripts (Windows) are additional installers saved in './installer/bin'which got their own licences. These installers were taken from:
Further, those installers won't be updated in the GIT. So, you won't have the latest version of programs delivered within this package and their security patches.
Overall, on Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, ...) I would recommend to use the scripts, as they provide the latest version of all used software and recognize if a software is already installed. Maybe you have to adapt these scripts to your preferred package manager.
In Windows, I would recommend the scripts as cheat sheet to write a own installer script, or modify it (at least replace the provided installers by their latest version from the sources above).
Or just use the instuctions below.
download miktex from
install miktex (activate on the fly)
download strawberry perl from
install perl
open a command window ('cmd' or Powershell)
install the following packages with e.g. cpan (strawberry perl)
cpan install Tk Tk::Chart::Lines Tk::JComboBox Tk::ToolBar Tk::StatusBar Tk::WaitBoxFixed Tk::MiniCalendar Geo::OSM::Tiles POSIX::strftime::GNU Config::Simple Image::ExifTool Tk::StayOnTop Geo::GeoNames
download [] into the subs directory and move the folder Garmin (with included) to your @INC (e.g. C:/Strawberry/perl/lib); The folder 'Garmin-FIT' in the subs directory needs to be renamed to 'FIT2GPX'.
The main focus of this application is to provide a easy to use GUI, which organizes your activities. Therefore, it archieves all activities in a SQLite-Database. Further, if provided pictures and track files are saved in an intiutive manner. A special feature is the generation of a PDF, which includes the activities' attributes, as well, as some sample pictures, an elevation profile and a map.
Allgemein hoffe ich, dass diese GUI sehr intuitiv zu bedienen ist.
Bitte immer eine Internetverbindung für das Programm zur Verfügung stellen. Es werden keine Nutzerdaten oder Statistiken erhoben oder weitergeleitet. Allerdings benötigen einige Features Daten aus dem Internet. Da das Programm nicht auf eine bestehende Internetverbindung prüft, führt dies zu einem Absturz.
Das Programm kann durch Doppelclick auf /_RUN.bat gestartet werden. Unter Linux muss diese Datei evtl. ausführbar gemacht werden. Sollten Fehlermeldungen erwünscht sein, kann das Script auch mit 'perl' aus dem Terminal / Powershell / Komandozeile aufgerufen werden.
Am oberen Rand können über die Icons oder das Menu die verschiedenen Funktionen des Programms aufgerufen werden (selbsterklärend).
Im Menü (oben) stehen auch Informationen zu den im Programm verwendeten Bildern zur Verfügung.
Am unteren Rand werdeb statistische Informationen zum aktuellen Jahr dargestellt.
This program got some special behaviour you should be aware of: