flomlo / ntm_keras

An implementation of the Neural Turing Machine as a keras recurrent layer.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
139 stars 30 forks source link

Changelog 0.2:

The Neural Turing Machine


This code tries to implement the Neural Turing Machine, as found in https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.5401, as a backend neutral recurrent keras layer.

A very default experiment, the copy task, is provided, too.

In the end there is a TODO-List. Help would be appreciated!


User guide

For a quick start on the copy task, type

python main.py -v ntm

while in a python enviroment which has tensorflow, keras and numpy. Having tensorflow-gpu is recommend, as everything is about 20x faster. In my case this experiment takes about 100 minutes on a NVIDIA GTX 1050 Ti. The -v is optional and offers much more detailed information about the achieved accuracy, and also after every training epoch. Logging data is written LOGDIR_BASE, which is ./logs/ by default. View them with tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir ./logs

If you've luck and not had a terrible run (that can happen, unfortunately), you now have a machine capable of copying a given sequence! I wonder if we could have achieved that any other way ...

These results are especially interesting compared to an LSTM model: Run

python main.py lstm

This builds 3 layers of LSTM with and goes through the same testing procedure as above, which for me resulted in a training time of approximately 1h (same GPU) and (roughly) 100%, 100%, 94%, 50%, 50% accuracy at the respective test lengths. This shows that the NTM has advantages over LSTM in some cases. Especially considering the LSTM model has about 807.200 trainable parameters while the NTM had a mere 3100!

Have fun playing around, maybe with other controllers? dense, double_dense and lstm are build in.


From the outside, this implementation looks like a regular recurrent layer in keras. It has however a number of non-obvious parameters:



More or less minimal code example:

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from ntm import NeuralTuringMachine as NTM

model = Sequential()
model.name = "NTM_-_" + controller_model.name

ntm = NTM(output_dim, n_slots=50, m_depth=20, shift_range=3,
          input_shape=(None, input_dim), 
          batch_size = 100)

sgd = Adam(lr=learning_rate, clipnorm=clipnorm)
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd,
               metrics = ['binary_accuracy'], sample_weight_mode="temporal")

What if we instead want a more complex controller? Design it, e.g. double LSTM:

controller = Sequential()
                    implementation=2,   # best for gpu. other ones also might not work.
                    batch_input_shape=(batch_size, None, controller_input_dim)))
                    implementation=2))   # best for gpu. other ones also might not work.

controller.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd,
                 metrics = ['binary_accuracy'], sample_weight_mode="temporal")

And now use the same code as above, only with controller_model=controller.

Note that we used linear as the last activation layer! This is of critical importance. The activation of the NTM-layer can be set the parameter activation (default: linear).

Note that a correct controller_input_dim and controller_output_dim can be calculated via controller_input_output_shape:

from ntm import controller_input_output_shape
controller_input_dim, controller_output_dim = ntm.controller_input_output_shape(
            input_dim, output_dim, m_depth, n_slots, shift_range, read_heads, write_heads) 

Also note that every statefull controller must carry around his own state, as was done here with
