flopezag / qa-fiware-tutorials

“As ironic as it seems, the challenge of a tester is to test as little as possible. Test less, but test smarter.” — Federico Toledo
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Feature 302 NGSI-LD reformulate scenario (Wait 60 seconds as described in tutorial and ...) #34

Open flopezag opened 1 year ago

flopezag commented 1 year ago

The current definition of the ScenarioI "Wait 60 seconds as described in tutorial and ..." is strange defined. It is mixed the WHEN and THEN behaviour in the WHEN sentence. I suggest to change following the following example.

Current definition:

Scenario: Wait 60 seconds as described in tutorial and start Checking Flink docker output so we can test that data from Context-Broker is sent to Flink
          Given I wait "60" seconds
          When  I Compare next lines in terminal flink-logs at least I can find 1 in stdout with a timeout 10 matching filename 01.expected_on_terminal.txt
          And   I flush the terminal flink-logs queues

Example of expected decoupled definition:

Scenario: Wait 60 seconds as described in tutorial and start Checking Flink docker output so we can test that data from Context-Broker is sent to Flink
          Given I wait "60" seconds
          When  I see the lines in terminal flink-logs 
          Then  I can find at least 1 in stdout with a timeout 10 seconds matching filename "01.expected_on_terminal.txt"
          And   I flush the terminal flink-logs queues