flopezag / qa-fiware-tutorials

“As ironic as it seems, the challenge of a tester is to test as little as possible. Test less, but test smarter.” — Federico Toledo
Apache License 2.0
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FIWARE BDD Step by Step Tutorials

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This script has been developed to test the correct behaviour of the FIWARE Generic Enablers based on the information that we have from the Step by Step tutorials. Besides, it helps us to check if the proper information of the tutorials are correct based on the last version of the FIWARE Generic Enablers.

This script is based on the python implementation of Behave. For more details about it, you can take a look to this Behave tutorial




The following software must be installed:

To install allure on linux system you can execute the following commands:

curl -o allure-2.22.0.tgz -OLs https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/qameta/allure/allure-commandline/2.22.0/allure-commandline-2.22.0.tgz
sudo tar -zxvf allure-2.22.0.tgz -C /opt/
sudo ln -s /opt/allure-2.22.0/bin/allure /usr/bin/allure
allure --version

Structure of the Project

The structure of the project is very easy. you can take a look on the following schematic representation of it.

[project root directory]
|-- features
|   |-- environment.py
|   |-- *1.feature
|   |-- *n.feature
|   |-- data
|   |   |-- *1
|   |   |-- *n
|   `-- steps
|       `-- *1_steps.py
|       `-- *n_steps.py
`-- [behave.ini]

where *i is the name of the tutorial (e.g. 101.Getting_Started)

The description of the content is the following:

Therefore, if you want to increase the tutorial with a new feature (new analysis of a Step-by-Step tutorial), you only need to specify the corresponding .feature, _steps.py, and the corresponding json data for the different requests and responses. Just create a new branch from develop with the name of the new tutorial, e.g.

git checkout develop
git checkout -b 102.Entity_Relationships

After finish the creation of it, just create a PR to the develop branch.

Description of the feature file

All the *.feature files must start with the same information:

Feature: test tutorial 101.Getting Started

  This is the feature file of the FIWARE Step by Step tutorial for NGSI-v2
  url: [url of the Step by Step tutorial]
  docker-compose: [url of the raw data of the docker-compose file used in this tutorial]
  environment: [url of the raw data of the environment configuration of the docker compose]

Note: In the next tutorials will be needed also to include the init-script to localize the proper bash script to initialize the data and aux, and array of script files used during the execution of the init-script. To be implemented...


The recommended installation method is using a virtualenv. Actually, the installation process is only about the python dependencies, because the python code do not need installation.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Create the virtualenv: virtualenv -ppython3.11 venv.
  3. Activate the python environment: source ./venv/bin/activate.
  4. Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  5. Add the OpenWeatherMap Key Id in the ./config/config.json file.

To obtain a OpenWeather API Key, you need to register in OpenWeather. There is a Free option which allows 60 calls/minute and 1,000,000 calls/month, which is good enough for these tutorials.



To execute behave, just go into the root folder of the repository and execute the following command:


It will execute all the features defined in the folder features. If you want to execute only one of the features, you only need to specify which one to execute, for example:

behave features/102.Entity_Relationships.feature

will execute just the steps corresponding to the Tutorial 102 feature.

In case that you want to execute only the failing scenarios you can execute the following command:

behave --tags=fail features/102.Entity_Relationships.feature


Web Server representation

Allure Framework is a flexible lightweight multi-language test report tool that not only shows a very concise representation of what have been tested in a neat web report form, but allows everyone participating in the development process to extract maximum of useful information from everyday execution of tests.

behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o ./tmp ./features
allure serve ./tmp


This script is licensed under Apache License 2.0.