flora-pm / flora-server

A package index for the Haskell ecosystem
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hackage haskell package-management


A package index for the Haskell ecosystem

CI badge made with Haskell Matrix chatroom badge Mastodon Static Badge

A meta-index that gathers Haskell package from across the ecosystem.

Flora Server
An alternative package repository for your ecosystem.

## ⚡ Features * 📁 Curated category model, with elimination of duplicates * 🏛️ Package namespaces, so that packages with the same name can live without conflict * 🌓 Dark and light modes * 📱 Mobile user interface ## 📖 Guides Visit https://flora.pm/documentation for explanations on what Flora can do. ## 🤝 Contributing We welcome new contributors! Join the [Matrix chatroom](https://app.element.io/#/room/#flora-pm:matrix.org) or open a [Discussion](https://github.com/flora-pm/flora-server/discussions/new/choose). To setup a local installation, see [CONTRIBUTING.md#project-setup](https://github.com/flora-pm/flora-server/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md#project-setup) ## 📖 Read More * [Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) * [Development Wiki](https://github.com/flora-pm/flora-server/wiki)