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Week 8 Crossover Grading - Calvin #61

Closed calvinc903 closed 2 years ago

calvinc903 commented 2 years ago

run time

Uhpachee commented 2 years ago

Kian's Score: 9/10 FRQs (repl.it) FRQs (deployed) Wiki

Comparison: FRQ 8 - Compared to Calvin's FRQ8, I think mine was more efficient since he manually inputted each entry while I used an array and iterated through it to put the values into the array. However, they function the same and they both output the correct responses.

FRQ 4 - Again compared to his FRQ mine was a lot shorter and I think it used more simple methods. However, Calvin's FRQ is more sophisticated and actually nicely prints the results while mine just does the work and doesn't really worry about looking nice.

FRQ 6 - For this FRQ both of ours were about the same length, and it also looks like he wrote more methods, so I think his code is more organized than mine. I wrote very little for the parts that he wrote a lot and vice versa. It's interesting to see how two very different pieces of code can do the same thing.

Self summary: I felt pretty accomplished on my FRQs and I think at least for me it feels very rewarding when I'm able to successfully write a program and have it do what it's meant to do. I think I wrote my FRQs pretty efficiently as well and I don't think there were very many places where I unnecessarily wrote more code than I needed to. I'm pretty proud of being able to complete all these FRQs starting from scratch.

Calvin's Review: FRQS run and there are two deployed FRQS on his deployed website. The FRQS are running under one menu. However, there is no way to input. He has all of his FRQS organized on Replit.

There was no video so he gets a 9/10

Kian's Review for Calvin: His FRQs run and there are more than 2 with input/output. They are all stored in repl (under 1 menu). Very well organized and nicely presented. However there was no video so I gave Calvin a 9/10.

calvinc903 commented 2 years ago

run time Wiki deployed FRQS


Comparison FRQ 8 I think that Kian should placed objects that contained both variables (crop type and crop yield) rather than making tow 2d arrays. This makes more sense as each crop plot is associated with both values that I needs. However, doing this has allowed him to make his code visually smaller and therefore, less clutter. (when compared to my FRQ 8) I personally don't think that I would make two arrays instead of one array with objects though. FRQ 7 I think that both of our FRQS do about the same thing with generally the same methods. He used a enhanced for loop while I used a normal one. One difference is that my FRQ can take different wage thresholds while his seems to be hard coded. One improvement for his is to make this not hard coded. FRQ 9 Kian's FRQ 9s seem to have multiple main methods while I only have one. He also makes use of an override method which I did not do. He also added his book listings using a method while I simply just directly added the books to the array. One suggestion I have for him is to have only one main method run all of the methods. I could try to make my booklisting array have methods to add the objects rather than directly add them.

I personally think that all of my FRQS do what they're supposed to do. One draw back, however, is that I may not always use the most efficient algorithms and about half of my FRQS don't use scanner to take input.