florayuan18 / pikachudrinkingwindex

1 stars 1 forks source link

3/1 Crossover Review Ticket #74

Open calvinc903 opened 2 years ago

calvinc903 commented 2 years ago


Uhpachee commented 2 years ago

Total: 9.5/10

Individual: 5/5 One PBL MVC feature (per indi/pair) +1, displays, searches, and sorts through API data Individual commits showing algorithms written in JS and/or Java +1, lots of commits, spread out over time Wiki with design ideas and usage +1, strong wiki with visuals and explanations Final program code (created independently or pair) +1, very strong code, complex A 1 minute video that displays the running of your program and demonstrates functionality you developed +1, video was easy to understand, it was also pretty high quality and went over everything that it needed to

Team: 4.5/5 PBL theme consistent through project and described in Github Pages +0.5, theme was very aesthetic and stayed constant Sassy / Bootstrap illustration in GitHub pages +0.5, good use of layout and fragments Database - CRUD operations on project centered database tables and describe in GitHub Pages +0.5, database is there and can edit/delete entries Deployed Project 24/7 - Deployment Overview and Policies described in GitHub Pages +0.5, site deployed to public url Async Operation (ie JavaScript fetch) described in GitHub pages +0.5, async operation used to search through twitch statistics

Team Video: 5/5, Very easy to understand and it went very smoothly over the topics that it needed to, also in the correct time limit. Highlight of best features +0.5, highlighted best features of the project Scrum Board - overview of completed tasks and GitHub tangibles +0.5, scrum board was well organized and easy to follow MVC Package - a code overview showing a complete MVC package +0.5, showed a complete mvc package with Model, View, and Control Search on project database tables, easy to identify from UI +0, There was a search function but it was for an API Google Search or Google translate implemented +0.5, Google search function in the navbar