florentbr / OWON-VDS1022

Unofficial release for the OWON VDS1022/I Oscilloscope
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serial decoder #26

Open John-By opened 3 years ago

John-By commented 3 years ago

One major limitation of most or even all Software, available for the VDS1022(i), is the absence of serial bus decoders. Those are a useful feature for checking signal integrity.

Therefore, I want to ask, if it possible to add some, supporting for example UART or I2C?

SilvainLouis commented 3 years ago

Hi, This is a feature that I would also be interested in. Wouldn't it be too complicated to implement in java in your project ? Would you have some starting point to help me to program this ? Thanks,

florentbr commented 3 years ago

This software was not designed to continuously pulls the samples from this device. It pulls a 5k buffer per channel every 30ms or so and the data is already aligned on the triggered position. So assuming 6 samples per clock period, it would provide at best 833 clock periods of raw data.

I'm not sure it's worth the effort since the starting price for a logic analyser is 10$.

That said, if someone is willing to provide a Java class to decode a buffer, I can try to add a decoder.

Another option would be to implement a plug-in for sigrok. I think it's possible since there's a way to continuously pull the buffer and aggregate the frames. Considering the top speed of USB2, the top signal frequency should be around 1Mhz.

SilvainLouis commented 3 years ago

Yes, if it's possible to link your software with a plug-in for sigrok, it's a very good option. Sigrok have a api to send data to the decoder. Any idea to make it ?

florentbr commented 3 years ago

Yes, if it's possible to link your software with a plug-in for sigrok, it's a very good option. Sigrok have a api to send data to the decoder. Any idea to make it ?

Someone already started to implement a plugging for sigrok: https://github.com/noopwafel/libsigrok/blob/master/src/hardware/owon-vds-tiny/protocol.c#L275

For the protocol, have a look here: https://github.com/albert-spruyt/pyVds1022