florentbr / OWON-VDS1022

Unofficial release for the OWON VDS1022/I Oscilloscope
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mp720016 mp720017 owon p1290 peaktech-1290 vds1022 vds1022i

OWON VDS1022/I Oscilloscope

This software is an unofficial release for the VDS1022 with a few improvements :

This software is based on the OWON release for the VDS1022(I) 1.1.1 :

This device is also sold under different brands:


Java Runtime Environment 8 (1.8) or superior is required.
Java 11 or superior is recommended especially if you have an HDPI display.
Installers are available at https://adoptium.net/releases.html (JRE ~40Mb).
It should work just fine on any computer/laptop as long as there's 200Mb of free RAM.


Download and extract the latest release :


Windows 10, 8, 7, XP (x86/amd64)

Right click on install-win.cmd and select "Run as administrator".

The script installs the driver, copies the files, registers for uninstall and creates a menu entry.
User settings are stored in %APPDATA%\OWON VDS1022.

To debug, run %PROGRAMFILES%\OWON VDS1022\launch.cmd or %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\OWON VDS1022\launch.cmd.
To fully uninstall, open your application manager and select "OWON VDS1022" .

Linux (Debian based, Arch based, Puppy, Fedora ...)

Open a terminal window in this folder and execute sudo bash install-linux.sh .

The script builds a package according to the distribution and installs it with the default package manager.
User settings are stored in $HOME/.owon-vds-tiny once the application is launched.

To debug, run owon-vds-tiny from a console.
To fully uninstall, open your application manager and select "owon-vds-tiny" or "OWON VDS1022"

macOS (64 bits Intel and ARM Apple silicon)

Open a terminal window in this folder (without Rosetta) and execute sudo bash install-mac.sh .

The script simply writes the files into /Applications/OWON VDS1022 .
User settings are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/OWON VDS1022.
To debug, run /Applications/OWON VDS1022.app/Contents/MacOS/launch from a console.
To fully uninstall, delete /Applications/OWON VDS1022 and ~/Library/Application Support/OWON VDS1022


The device can be calibrated either automatically (Home/Utility/Auto-Calibrate) or manually (F2). The Auto-Calibrate adjusts the zero offset/amplitude but not the gain since it requires a reference voltage.

If you wish to calibrate the device manually then:

The factory calibration is stored directly in the device in the flash memory.
The current calibration is stored in the user folder as "VDS1022xxxxxx-cals.json".


This project provides a Python API to directly communicate with the device.
It can be used for data logging or to analyse and visualise the samples in a Jupyter Notebook.
The code and examples are available in the api/python folder.

To install the vds1022 module, run:

pip install api/python

Simple measure :

from vds1022 import *

dev = VDS1022(debug=0)
dev.set_channel(CH1, range='10v', offset=1/10, probe='x10')

for frames in dev.fetch_iter(freq=2) :
    print('Vrms:%s     ' % frames.ch1.rms(), end='\r')

Plotting in a Jupyter notebook:

from vds1022 import *

dev = VDS1022()
dev.set_channel(CH1, range='20v', coupling=DC, offset=5/10, probe='x10')
dev.set_channel(CH2, range='20v', coupling=DC, offset=1/10, probe='x10')
dev.set_trigger(CH1, EDGE, RISE, position=1/2, level='2v')
frames = dev.fetch()


SCPI Protocol

This device supports the SCPI protocol once the application is lauched and running.
The server is off by default. Go to Utility to enable it.


This scope can measure 40v peak to peak with a 1x probe and 400v with a 10x probe.
The max input voltage is 40v for the VDS1022 and 400v for the isolated version (VDS1022i).

Since 230v AC RMS is 650v peak to peak, you can't analyse the main with a 10x probe.
To safely probe the main, use a 100x probe and only connect the ground of the probes to ground/earth.
To safely probe between two potentials, even if it's a Neutral, either use two probes and substract the waves (Math menu) or use a differential probe.

You shouldn't connect the ground of the probe to a potential unless you know exacly what you are doing. You'll have to make sure that it doesn't loop back to the main ground/earth thought the computer power supply if connected. Also, check that it's properly isolated from your oscilloscope and computer/laptop case if the applied voltage is not safe. It should be the case with the isolated version (VDS1022i). Be also aware that the channels have a common ground which would create a short if connected to two different voltages. If you want to know more on the subject, search for "ground loop oscilloscope" and "earthing system".


See changes.txt


If you like it and want to support its development, you can buy me a beer.
