florentbr / OWON-VDS1022

Unofficial release for the OWON VDS1022/I Oscilloscope
249 stars 43 forks source link

Not draw ui main window #62

Open nrot opened 1 year ago

nrot commented 1 year ago

image Stdout tidy

env: Linux, Java 19.0.1 amd64
app dir: /opt/owon-vds-tiny
user dir: /home/nrot/.owon-vds-tiny
locale: en, ru_RU, false
[Send @MACHINE_TYPE_ADD 0x56] recv V 0x1
found usb device VDS1022 idVendor:0x5345 idProduct:0x1234
[Send @FPGA_DOWNLOAD_QUERY_ADD 0x0] recv E 0x1
fpga loaded: 1
read flash
[Send @read_flash 0x1] recv 2002 bytes
flash size: 2002
flash crc32: 4031901773
flash header: 0xAA 0x55
flash version: 2
flash oem: true
flash board version: V2.5
flash board serial: VDS10221925694
load calibration /home/nrot/.owon-vds-tiny/VDS10221925694-cals.json
Gain CH0 : [1286, 1113, 983, 813, 686, 557, 988, 860, 733, 561]
Gain CH1 : [1257, 1108, 977, 810, 681, 552, 982, 855, 727, 557]
Step CH0 : [159, 159, 159, 160, 159, 160, 159, 159, 159, 160]
Step CH1 : [157, 158, 158, 158, 157, 159, 159, 158, 159, 159]
Compensation CH0 : [562, 561, 560, 560, 558, 558, 560, 559, 558, 558]
Compensation CH1 : [565, 567, 568, 568, 567, 568, 569, 568, 568, 568]
[Send @TRG_ADD 0x0] recv S 0x1
[Send @trg_holdoff_ext_ADD 0xffff8002] recv S 0x1
[Send @pulse_level_ch1_ADD 0xf19] recv S 0x1
[Send @channel_ch1_ADD 0xffffffa0] recv S 0x3
[Send @volt_gain_ch1_ADD 0x22d] recv S 0x3
[Send @zero_off_ch1_ADD 0x22e] recv S 0x3
[Send @CHL_ON_ADD 0x1] recv S 0x1
[Send @channel_ch2_ADD 0x20] recv S 0x3
[Send @volt_gain_ch2_ADD 0x228] recv S 0x3
[Send @zero_off_ch2_ADD 0x238] recv S 0x3
[Send @DM_ADD 0x13ec] recv S 0x1
[Send @SYNCOUTPUT_ADD 0x0] recv S 0x1
[Send @TIMEBASE_ADD 0x190] recv S 0x1
[Send @SAMPLE_ADD 0x0] recv S 0x1
[Send @SLOWMOVE_ADD 0x0] recv S 0x1
[Send @PRE_TRG_ADD 0x9f6] recv S 0x1
[Send @SUF_TRG_ADD 0x9f6] recv S 0x1
[Send @EMPTY_ADD 0x1] recv S 0x4e554c4c
$ neofetch --off                                                                                                                                                                                             12/20/2022 11:12:37 
OS: EndeavourOS Linux x86_64 
Host: 81LW Lenovo IdeaPad L340-15API 
Kernel: 6.0.12-arch1-1 
Uptime: 2 hours, 35 mins 
Packages: 1285 (pacman) 
Shell: nu 0.72.1 
Resolution: 1920x1080 
WM: bspwm 
Theme: Breeze-Dark [GTK2/3] 
Icons: breeze-dark [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: konsole 
Terminal Font: Hack 10 
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (8) @ 2.100GHz 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series 
Memory: 6669MiB / 17864MiB 

Mouse changing icon when focus interface widgets. Jre-openjdk, jdk-openjdk, have same problem

$ echo $env.XDG_SESSION_TYPE                                                                                                                                                                                

Title manager bspwm. Session manager SDDM.

nrot commented 1 year ago

This problem bspwm. To solve use wmname to set name LG3D. https://github.com/baskerville/bspwm/issues/1274