florianbgt / vue3-bootstrap5-modal

Simple vue 3 modal component using bootstrap 5
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# vue3-bootstrap-5-modal-component A simple modal component for vue 3 using bootstrap 5

Live demo



This component require bootstrap 5 and popper to be installed

npm install bootstrap@next
npm install @popperjs/core

You can then include them into your main.js file:

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'
import 'bootstrap'

Component setup:

You can import it globaly in your main.js file:

import Modal form 'path to file/Modal.vue'
app.component('Modal', Modal);

Or you can import it localy in each component when you need it:

import Modal from 'path to file/Modal.vue'

Once imported, you can use the component as follow:

<Modal v-model="modal" header="Modal">
  <p>This modal have to be closed from the parent</p>
  <p>This modal will be close from the parent in 5 seconds</p>

Component usage:

The Modal component take 5 props: