florianheinemann / MPD.FM

A MPD web server and client to listen to your favorite online radio stations
MIT License
49 stars 15 forks source link


A MPD web server and client to listen to your favorite online radio stations. It's great for a Raspberry Pi home audio system.



MPD.fm has been tested on Raspbian Stretch Lite. Required are:



Do the following as root:

# Install Node.js if not yet done
# E.g., by following Richard Stanley's script: https://github.com/audstanley/NodeJs-Raspberry-Pi
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/audstanley/NodeJs-Raspberry-Pi/master/Install-Node.sh | bash;

# Install MPD if not yet done - configure as needed
# MPD.FM typically works with an out-of-the-box MPD
apt-get update
apt-get install mpd

# Install Git if not yet done
apt-get install git

# Create a user to have the server not as root
useradd -mrU srv-mpd-fm

# Sign into the new user
su srv-mpd-fm
cd /home/srv-mpd-fm

# Download MPD.fm using Git
git clone https://github.com/florianheinemann/MPD.FM.git

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Back to root

# Copy systemd service file
cp /home/srv-mpd-fm/MPD.FM/service/MPD.FM.service /etc/systemd/system/

# Ensure MPD.FM starts with boot and run
systemctl enable MPD.FM
systemctl start MPD.FM

# Check status
systemctl status MPD.FM

To update MPD.FM just do the following as root:

# Sign into the dedicated user
su srv-mpd-fm
cd /home/srv-mpd-fm/MPD.FM

# Update
git pull
npm install

# Back to root

# Restart MPD.FM
systemctl restart MPD.FM

# Check status
systemctl status MPD.FM



Basic settings

Ports, etc. can be defined by editing the environment variables in MPD.FM.service (typically in /etc/systemd/system):

# Set to log detailed debug messages
# Environment=DEBUG=mpd.fm:*

# Details of MPD server (Default: localhost:6600)

# Port to serve HTTP (the user needs special permission to serve on 80; default: 4200)

# JSON file with radio stations. If empty [app root]/data/stations.json will be used

Station list

stations.json provides MPD.FM with all the radio stations that should be shown to the users. Each station is stored as follows:

{   "id": 1, 
    "station": "Berlin Community Radio",
    "desc": "BCR is a broadcasting platform presenting everything that is influencing Berlin",
    "logo": "http://www.berlincommunityradio.com/sites/all/themes/bcr_bootstrap/images/logospot.png",
    "stream": "http://berlincommunityradio.out.airtime.pro:8000/berlincommunityradio_a"