florinzaicu / FloatingOverlay

Android application that displays a set of floating controls over other apps
MIT License
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Floating Overlay

App Logo

Supported Android Versions: 28 (Android 9 / Pie) - 34 (Android 14 / Upside Down Cake)

Repository contains source code of the Floating Overlay Android app. The app shows an overlay on the screen (drawn on top of other apps), that allows changing the current relevant system volume through gestures (single/double tap on the overlay), or pressing on the overlay buttons (when expanded).

The most relevant volume is modified, which depends on what the phone is currently doing. For example, if music is playing, the overlay will increase/decrease the playback volume. If no music is playing, the overlay will change the background or system volume.

NOTE: Some features, such as dynamic / material 3 colours, are only available in more recent versions of the Android operating system!

Required Permissions

This application requires three permissions to function:


When opening the application (on resume), the main activity will check if all the required permissions have been granted. If permissions are missing a the permission check screen is started to explain to the user what permissions are needed, and prompt the user to grant them.

Permission Check Screen

The permission check activity shows a simple grid with all the permissions that the application requires, along with an explanation of how the permissions are used once granted.

The button on the bottom of the page displays the relevant grant permission prompt or settings (used to grant the draw-over-other apps permissions).

If you decide to not grant the requested permissions, you may exit the application by pressing the back button. Please note that all required permissions are mandatory and you will not be able to use the application without granting them!

After all permissions have been granted, the permission check activity will automatically terminate and display the Main Activity of the application.

Main Screen

The main application screen contains a brief explanation of the app and its features, followed by a show overlay button. Pressing the show overlay button will start the foreground service and display the floating overlay on screen.

NOTE: A persistent notification is shown to indicate when the foreground service is running and the overlay is visible on screen.

After the show overlay button, there is a section with controls (slider bars) that allows configuring the following attributes of the overlay:

After the overlay configuration controls, the main activity contains a save settings button that save and apply the preferences to the overlay. If the overlay is currently visible, pressing the button will immediately apply the new UI attributes.

Floating Overlay UI

The floating overlay is coloured horizontal square with five buttons: 1) A gesture indicator / button - allows performing gestures when minimized 2) A drag handle / button - allows moving the overlay on screen to a custom location 3) A decrease volume button 4) An increase volume button 5) A close overlay button - stops the foreground service and hides the overlay

In collapsed mode (shown by default), the overlay will show only the gesture indicator. To expand the overlay, the user can press and hold on the gesture icon.

NOTE: Expand and flick gestures can only be performed when the overlay is collapsed.

The following gestures are supported by the overlay (performed on the gesture icon):

Collapsed preview of overlay (dynamic colours dark green):

Main Activity Dark Green

Expanded preview of overlay (dynamic colours dark green):

Main Activity Dark Green


This section showcases the UI and functionality of the application.


App Icon Square Color App Icon Circular Color

Light Mode Dynamic Colours:

App Icon Square Dynamic Color Light Blue App Icon Square Dynamic Color Light Green App Icon Square Dynamic Color Light Yellow App Icon Square Dynamic Color Light Red

Dark Mode Dynamic colours:

App Icon Square Dynamic Color Dark Blue App Icon Square Dynamic Color Dark Green App Icon Square Dynamic Color Dark Yellow App Icon Square Dynamic Color Dark Red

Permission Check Activity

Permission Check Activity Light Blue Permission Check Activity Dark Green Permission Check Activity Dark Blue

Main Activity

Main Activity Light Default Main Activity Dark Default

Main Activity Dark Green