flotwig / imdb-scraper

:movie_camera: IMDb.com scraper using Express (to expose an API), Redis (for caching), and Cheerio (for parsing)
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This is an API which scrapes the Internet Movie Database for movie and TV show information. It supports both searching for movies and retrieving movies by ID. There is also a caching layer implemented in Redis.

Using the API

The API has a public endpoint at https://imdb-scraper.herokuapp.com/ where the following functions can be found. You can also run your own instance if you wish.

search - search IMDb titles


GET /search?q=Game+of+Thrones&limit=20


See example: https://imdb-scraper.herokuapp.com/search?q=Game+of+Thrones&limit=20

title - get a single title


GET /title?id=tt0182576


See example: https://imdb-scraper.herokuapp.com/title?id=tt0182576

API errors

If there is an error with your request, a message following this format will be returned:

    "success": false,
    "error": "Some error message here."

Running the API

This API is written in TypeScript and the files in build/ are auto-generated by tsc -w. Run npm start to start build/index.js.

To enable debug output on errors, set the DEBUG environment variable.

To use Redis for caching, set the REDIS_URL environment variable to one parsable by the NodeJS redis library.