flowersteam / lamorel

Lamorel is a Python library designed for RL practitioners eager to use Large Language Models (LLMs).
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Language Models for Reinforcement Learning - Lamorel

Lamorel is a Python library designed for people eager to use Large Language Models (LLMs) in interactive environments (e.g. RL setups).


Why Lamorel?

What is the difference between Lamorel and RLHF libs?

Lamorel was initially designed to easily use LLMs in interactive environments. It is especially made for high throughput using a distributed architecture. The philosophy of Lamorel is to be very permissive and allow as much as possible usage of LLMs while maintaining scaling: the application should run with 1 or N LLMs.

For this reason, it is not specialised neither in RL nor in particular in RLHF. Our examples illustrate how Lamorel can be used for various applications including RLHF-like finetuning. However, one must understand that Lamorel's philosophy means that users must implement themselves what they want to do with the LLM(s).

This is why we advise users knowing in advance they want to do RLHF, especially without any modification of classic implementations, to use libs specialised in RLHF that already come with RL implementations (e.g. RL4LMs, TRL). On the other hand, users more inclined to experiment with implementations or looking for an LLM lib they can use in different projects may prefer Lamorel.

Lamorel's key features

  1. Abstracts the use of LLMs (e.g. tonekization, batches) into simple calls
    lm_server.generate(contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"])
    lm_server.score(contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"], candidates=["a sentence", "another sentence"])
  2. Provides a method to compute the log probability of token sequences (e.g. action commands) given a prompt
  3. Is made for scaling up your experiments by deploying multiple instances of the LLM and dispatching the computation thanks to a simple configuration file
    n_rl_processes: 1
    n_llm_processes: 1
  4. Provides access to open-sourced LLMs from the Hugging Face's hub along with Model Parallelism to use multiple GPUs for an LLM instance
    model_type: seq2seq
    model_path: t5-small
    pretrained: true
    minibatch_size: 4
    pre_encode_inputs: true
    load_in_4bit: false
      use_gpu: true
      model_parallelism_size: 2
      synchronize_gpus_after_scoring: false
      empty_cuda_cache_after_scoring: false
  5. Allows one to give their own PyTorch modules to compute custom operations (e.g. to add new heads on top of the LLM)
  6. Allows one to train the LLM (or part of it) thanks to a Data Parallelism setup where the user provides its own update method

Distributed and scalable

Lamorel relies on a client-server(s) architecture where your RL script acts as the client sending requests to the LLM server(s). In order to match the computation requirements of RL, Lamorel can deploy multiple LLM servers and dispatch the requests on them without any modification in your code. Distributed scoring


  1. cd lamorel
  2. pip install .
  3. Use pip install .[quantization] if you want to access 4 bits loading


We provide a set of examples that use Lamorel in interactive environments:

How to use Lamorel

Lamorel is built of three main components:

Instantiating the server in your RL script

Lamorel leverages hydra for its configuration file. Because of this, you need to add the hydra decorator on top of your main function. Then, you must instantiate the Caller class from Lamorel which will create the object allowing you to interact with the LLM servers. Do not forget to initialize Lamorel once imported with lamorel_init() to initialize the communication with the servers.

import hydra
from lamorel import Caller, lamorel_init

@hydra.main(config_path='../config', config_name='config')
def main(config_args):
    lm_server = Caller(config_args.lamorel_args)
    # Do whatever you want with your LLM
if __name__ == '__main__':

Do not forget to close the connection with servers at the end of your script.

Using the Caller

Once instantiated, you can use the different methods of the Caller object to send requests to your LLMs.


First, we provide the score method to compute the log probability of a sequence of tokens (a candidate) given a prompt (context). Lamorel allows to provide multiple candidates for a single context but also to batch this computation for multiple contexts (along with their associated candidates). Using this, one can use a classic vectorized RL setup where at each step, multiple environments running in parallel return their current state and expect an action.

lm_server.score(contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"], 
                candidates=[["a sentence", "another sentence"]])


Lamorel also provides a method for text generation. Similarly to the score method, one can give multiple prompts (contexts). Our generate method can use any keyword argument from Transformers API. In addition of the generated texts, it also returns the probability (or log probability if return_logprobs=True is passed) of each generated sequence.

lm_server.generate(contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"])
lm_server.generate(contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"], temperature=0.1, max_length=25)

Custom modules

While Lamorel provides two main uses of LLMs (i.e. scoring and generating), we also allow users to provide their own methods to perform custom operations using LLMs. We expect these custom methods to be PyTorch modules. Additional modules

In order to define such a custom operation, users must extend our BaseModuleFunction class. For this, you must extend two main methods:

Lamorel will give your custom module to all LLM servers and ensure your variables (e.g. weights) are the same on each server. See the example below where we implement a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) on top of our LLM.

from lamorel import BaseModuleFunction

class TwoLayersMLPModuleFn(BaseModuleFunction):
    def __init__(self, model_type, n_outputs, pre_encoded_input):
        self._model_type = model_type
        self._n_outputs = n_outputs
        self._pre_encoded_input = pre_encoded_input

    def initialize(self):
        Use this method to initialize your module operations.
        - self.llm_config gives the configuration of the LLM (e.g. useful to know the size of representations)
        - self.device gives you access to the main device (e.g. GPU) the LLM is using
        if 'hidden_size' in self.llm_config.attribute_map:
            _hidden_size_key = self.llm_config.attribute_map['hidden_size']
            if "word_embed_proj_dim" in self.llm_config.to_dict():
                _hidden_size_key = "word_embed_proj_dim"
            elif "hidden_size" in self.llm_config.to_dict():
                _hidden_size_key = "hidden_size"
                raise NotImplementedError("Unknown hidden size key")
        llm_hidden_size = self.llm_config.to_dict()[_hidden_size_key]
        self.mlp = torch.nn.Sequential(
            torch.nn.Linear(llm_hidden_size, 128),
            torch.nn.Linear(128, 128),
            torch.nn.Linear(128, self._n_outputs),

    def forward(self, forward_outputs, minibatch, tokenized_contexts, **kwargs):
        Perform your operations here.
        - forward_outputs gives access the output of the computations performed by the LLM (e.g. representations of each layer)
        - minibatch gives access to the input data (i.e. a prompt and multiple candidates) given to the LLM
        - tokenized_context gives access to the prompt used
        # Get last layer's hidden from last token in context
        if self._model_type == "causal":
            if self._pre_encoded_input:
                end_of_context_position = 0
            else:  # hence input should be removed from result
                end_of_context_position = len(
                    tokenized_contexts[0]["input_ids"])  # inputs are padded so all of same size

            model_head = forward_outputs['hidden_states'][-1][:, end_of_context_position, :]
            model_head = forward_outputs["decoder_hidden_states"][-1][:, 0, :]

        # Give representation to our MLP
        output = self.mlp(model_head)
        return output

Once implemented, you can give your custom module(s) to the Lamorel Caller (along with a key). It will then be possible to use your module:

lm_server = Caller(config_args.lamorel_args,
                       'mlp_head': TwoLayersMLPModuleFn(
# Direct call
                            contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"])

# Scoring
                contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"], 
                candidates=["a sentence", "another sentence"])


We have seen so far how to use an LLM (along with possibly custom modules) for inference. However, Lamorel also provides tools to update (e.g. train) these operations with a BaseUpdater class which can be extended and perform any update operation. Our class gives access to the whole computation graph self._llm_module. It can for instance be used to perform operations with gradient by calling self._llm_module(['mlp_head', '__score'], ...) with the leaf operations wanted (i.e. scoring and/or custom modules) or to select weights to train (the LLM itself self._llm_module._LLM_model, custom modules self._llm_module.module._module_functions, the whole graph self._llm_module).

from lamorel import BaseUpdater

class TestUpdater(BaseUpdater):
    def perform_update(self, contexts, candidates, _current_batch_ids, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'loss_fn'):
            self.loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        if not hasattr(self, 'optimizer'):
            # You can train:
            # 1. Only the LLM
            # self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self._llm_module._LLM_model.parameters())

            # 2. Only some custom modules
            self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self._llm_module.module._module_functions["mlp_head"].parameters())

            # 3. Everything
            # self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self._llm_module.parameters())

        # Use the computational graph with gradient
        # 1. Only the LLM's scoring module
        # output = self._llm_module(['__score'], contexts=contexts, require_grad=True)

        # 2. Only some custom modules
        output = self._llm_module(['mlp_head'], contexts=contexts, require_grad=True)

        # 3. Both
        # output = self._llm_module(['__score', 'mlp_head'], contexts=contexts, require_grad=True)

        # Stack outputs to batch loss computation
        stacked_output = torch.stack([_o["mlp_head"] for _o in output]).to('cpu')

        # Compute loss with the labels corresponding to the current batch
        loss = self.loss_fn(stacked_output, kwargs["labels"][_current_batch_ids, :])

        # Compute gradients and update graph

        # Return anything you want using a dictionary
        return {"loss": loss}

Once defined, users must give their custom Updater to the Caller.

Whenever needed, users can call their Updater with data (i.e. contexts and candidates) along with any additional keyword argument (e.g. labels). Because multiple LLM servers can be deployed, we also dispatch the Updater's computation. When one calls the Updater with data, contexts and candidates are dispatched over the multiple servers (where each runs the Updater). Because Lamorel does not know a priori what additional keyword arguments are, these are copied and sent to each LLM. As users may need to know how to associate these arguments to the data handled by the current server, we provide the _current_batch_ids variable giving the indexes of contexts (and by extension candidates) that are given to the current LLM.

Lamorel is in charge of gathering the gradients of all servers such that self.optimizer.step() produces the same on each server.

lm_server = Caller(config_args.lamorel_args,
                       'mlp_head': TwoLayersMLPModuleFn(

result = lm_server.update(
            contexts=["This is an examples prompt, continue it with"],
            candidates=["a sentence"],
            labels=torch.tensor([0, 1], dtype=torch.float32),
losses = [r["loss"] for r in result] # one loss returned per LLM



Additionally, one may also provide an Initializer object applying any modification on the model (e.g. freezing some weights) before it is given to the distributed architecture that synchronizes all LLMs.

from lamorel import BaseModelInitializer
class CustomInitializer(BaseModelInitializer):
    def initialize_model(self, model):
        # Do whatevever your want here
        # For instance, freeze all the LLM's weights
        llm_module = model._modules['_LLM_model']
        for param in llm_module.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False

lm_server = Caller(config_args.lamorel_args,

Setting up the configuration

The configuration of the LLM and the client-server(s) architecture is done using a YAML configuration file following hydra's API. Here is what this file should contain:

lamorel_args: # Arguments for Lamorel
  log_level: debug # (debug, info, error): level of logs returned by Lamorel
  allow_subgraph_use_whith_gradient: false #
  distributed_setup_args: # Use this section to specify how many LLM servers must be deployed
    n_rl_processes: 1
    n_llm_processes: 1 # LLM servers
  accelerate_args: # Lamorel leverages Hugging Face Accelerate for the distributed setup
    config_file: accelerate/default_config.yaml # keep this
    machine_rank: ??? # each machine should launch the script and provide its rank (id), see section below
    num_machines: 2 # number of machines used in the experiment
  llm_args: # Specify which LLM to use and how 
    model_type: seq2seq # (seq2seq, causal): Encoder-Decoder or Decoder-Only model
    model_path: t5-small # name (if downloaded from the Hugging Face's hub) or (absolute) path to the model
    pretrained: true # (true, false): set this to false if you want to keep the LLM's architecture but re-initialize its wegihts
    pre_encode_inputs: true # whether encoding contexts should be optimized when using Encoder-Decoder models
    minibatch_size: 4 # batch size per forward passes, adapt this number to your GPU memory
    load_in_4bit: false # whether the model should be loaded in 4 bits
    parallelism: # Model parallelism
      use_gpu: true # (true, false) set this to false if you want your LLM(s) to use CPU
      model_parallelism_size: 1 # number of GPUs user per LLM server
      synchronize_gpus_after_scoring: false # only useful for specific GPU optimizations
      empty_cuda_cache_after_scoring: false # only useful for specific GPU optimizations
rl_script_args: # Arguments for Lamorel
  path: ??? # absolute path to your RL script 
  # Provide any additional arguments for your RL script here

Examples of configuration files are provided in section below.


Lamorel comes with a launcher that handles how to launch multiple processes on each machine. To launch your experiment on a machine, you must use the following command:

python -m lamorel_launcher.launch --config-path <path> --config-name <name> rl_script_args.path=<path> lamorel_args.accelerate_args.machine_rank=<rank> <additional arguments to override config>

Warning: use absolute paths

Launch examples

Several examples of configurations can be found in examples.

Single machine and no GPU
Single machine and GPU(s)

If you do not want your LLM process to use all your GPUs (for instance if you plan to launch multiple LLM servers), set an appropriate value to model_parallelism_size in the config.

SLURM cluster

We here provide an example with a SLURM cluster where our experiment deploys 6 LLM servers on 3 machines. As the schema below shows, the first machine hosts 2 LLM servers and the RL script (which also has access to GPUs). The two other machines both host only 2 LLM servers. Multi-nodes

Technical details and contributions

Lamorel relies on Pytorch distributed for communications. We chose to use the GLOO backend to allow both CPU and GPU platforms. Lamorel launches the RL script n_rl_processes + n_llm_processes times. Every time it reaches the lm_server = Caller(...) line, Lamorel checks whether the current process should be part of the client or the LLM servers.

If it is a client, the script returns the Caller object (that the user can use to send requests) and continues.

Otherwise, it creates a Server that loads the LLM and starts listening. For the communication between the client and servers, we create a process group between the client and one of the servers which is considered as the master. This master server listens to requests and dispatches calls (using the Dispatcher) to all the servers using another process group (only shared by LLM servers). Each LLM server performs the asked operations on its received data and sends the results to the master LLM server. The latter gathers results and sends them back to the RL script.

Lamorel is still in its very early phase and we are happy to accept any external contribution to it. Please follow the file.