fluechtlingshilfe-babelsberg / forum

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Easy Set-Up

  1. Install a PHP/MySQL/Apache Server (e.g. XAMPP https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html, start via sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start)
  2. Make sure PHP is in your $PATH if you didn't install it via package manager. (e.g. add /opt/lampp/bin to your ~/.profile)
  3. Install wp-cli (http://wp-cli.org/)
  4. Clone this repo (git clone https://github.com/fluechtlingshilfe-babelsberg/forum), cd forum into it.
  5. Run wp core download
  6. Run wp core config --dbname="forum" --dbuser=root
  7. Create the database by running mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE forum;"
  8. Make sure Apache is configured to serve your wordpress folder (e.g. make sure your /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf's DocumentRoot and the Directory right below it point to the directory).
  9. Visit localhost and follow the wizard.
  10. Install and activate the "Advanced Custom Fields" plugin. NOTE: if you get an error, make sure the user can access the repo folder.
  11. Select flueba-forum Theme in the admin interface.

To make sure that the user that runs the server can write plugins, run sudo chown -R daemon:daemon . inside the repository folder. To make sure that you can still put, also run sudo usermod -a -G daemon $USER to add your user to the daemon group. Afterwards, you will need to relogin.