fluent / fluentd-ui

Web UI for Fluentd
Apache License 2.0
599 stars 75 forks source link


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fluentd-ui is a browser-based fluentd and td-agent manager that supports following operations.

Official documentation | Changelog


And some additional packages (Debian / Ubuntu)

How to install and run

$ gem install fluentd-ui
$ fluentd-ui setup
$ fluentd-ui start --daemonize

Access http://localhost:9292 by web browser. The default account is username="admin" and password="changeme".

Run under sub path

Use RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT environment variable.

$ RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/prefix fluentd-ui start --daemonize

Access http://localhost:9292/prefix by web browser.


Get the source

$ git clone https://github.com/fluent/fluentd-ui
$ cd fluentd-ui

Install dependent gems

Use bundler:

$ gem install bundler --version 1.17.3
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Install dependent JavaScript packages

Use yarn. See https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install to install it to your environment. After install it, run following command:

$ ./bin/yarn install

Run fluentd-ui

$ bin/rails server

Access http://localhost:3000 by web browser.

Run with Docker

$ docker build -t fluent/fluentd-ui:1.0.0 .
$ docker run --net=host fluent/fluentd-ui:1.0.0

Run tests

You need chromedriver or chromiumdriver to run tests.

$ npm install -g chromedriver
$ brew install chromedriver
$ sudo apt install chromium-driver

NOTE: chromedriver executable binary should be located under your $PATH.

After that you can run tests by following command:

$ bundle exec rake test

Building fluentd-ui.gem

# Generate ChangeLog.md and increment version
$ bin/rails release:prepare

# Clear tmp/, public/assets and public/packs
$ bin/rails tmp:clear assets:clobber && touch tmp/.gitkeep

# Generate pre-compiled assets
$ RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails assets:precompile

# fluentd-ui X.X.X built to pkg/fluentd-ui-X.X.X.gem.
$ RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails build

# Push to rubygems.org
$ bin/rails release