fluree / db

Fluree database library
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Fluree DB

Usage documentation is located at https://docs.flur.ee.


Fluree is an immutable, temporal, ledger-backed semantic graph database that has a cloud-native architecture.

This repository is a stateless database as a library and designed to be utilized in conjunction with the Fluree Ledger which maintains all state. This database can be run in containers and dynamically scale to any desired load, can be embedded inside of your applications (Clojure, NodeJS for now) or can run as a stand-alone JVM service.

This database can also be built as a web-worker, and be embedded inside the browser. Thus far, a React Wrapper (Beta) has been developed that allows you to create real-time apps by wrapping your React components with queries (GraphQL or FlureeQL).

It is also possible to run Fluree in a "serverless" manner, whereby utilizing Fluree SmartFunctions to embed data security along side your data (Data Defending Itself), you can have a permissioned application with just a single-page application (i.e. React) and Fluree Ledgers, but no application server.

Fluree includes time travel, allowing you to instantly query as of any historical moment in time, and even allows the ability to stage proposed transactions to time travel into the future, to a hypothesized version of your data.

The best way to get started with Fluree is to go to the Getting Started page at https://flur.ee/getstarted/.



All contributors must complete a Contributor License Agreement.


  1. Install clojure tools-deps (version or later).
    1. macOS: brew install clojure/tools/clojure
    2. Arch Linux: pacman -S clojure
    3. Windows: follow instructions here https://applab.unc.edu/posts/2019/09/11/how-to-install-clojure-on-windows/
  2. Install Node & NPM
    1. macOS: brew install node
    2. Arch Linux: pacman -S nodejs
    3. Windows: Download installer here https://nodejs.org/en/download
  3. Install babashka
    1. macOS: brew install borkdude/brew/babashka
    2. Windows: scoop install babashka


NOTE: use make -j to run tasks in parallel.


Running specific tests

This applies to CLJ tests only, not CLJS.

clojure -X:cljtest :kaocha.filter/focus [focus-spec]

...where focus-spec can be a test namespace or a fully-qualified deftest var. Note that the square brackets around the focus-spec must be present in the command, they are NOT there to indicate "optional" or "placeholder" in the example.

This feature comes from the test runner kaocha which has additional features.


In order to get a Node or web browser CLJS REPL running, you need to do the following:

  1. Run npx shadow-cljs watch flureenjs (or flureedb for a browser REPL)
  2. (Node only) Run node out/nodejs/flureenjs.js in a separate shell
  3. (browser only) Connect to http://localhost:9630/ in your browser
    1. This seems currently broken though. It first gets stuck at "shadow-cljs Loading..." with an "unknown route" error in the JS console. If you reload that seems to resolve. But even once the dashboard loads and you connect a REPL, it says "No available JS runtime."
  4. Connect an nREPL to the port specified in .shadow-cljs/nrepl.port
  5. Inside that REPL run (shadow/repl :flureenjs) (or :flureedb for a browser REPL)
  6. Try running something CLJS-specific to ensure you've got a working CLJS REPL
    1. For example: (js/parseInt "42")