Copyright 2007-2022 The Java Chess Protocol Interface Project Authors
The Java Chess Protocol Interface provides a clean object-oriented interface to the UCI protocol. It handles all the standard I/O communication and creates well defined Java objects for the engine to consume.
Inside the distribution zip you'll find the JCPI jar. Add it to your engine
project as an additional dependency and extend the AbstractEngine
class. The
JCPI jar is also available from our Maven repository.
To use it in Maven use the following code:
To use it in Gradle use the following code:
dependencies {
compile 'com.fluxchess.jcpi:jcpi:1.4.1'
The Java Chess Protocol Interface uses Gradle as build system. To build it from source, use the following steps.
get it
git clone
build it
./gradlew build
grab it
cp build/distributions/jcpi-<version>.zip <installation directory>
The Java Chess Protocol Interface is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.