flxzt / rnote

Sketch and take handwritten notes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Small dots that appear on the screen and cannot be erased #1108

Open jfab20 opened 1 month ago

jfab20 commented 1 month ago

While drawing/writing, some dots randomly appear on the screen and cannot be erased


I can select the dots and when I enlarge them I get this:


The only way to delete them is to select them and press the delete button on my computer (even when they are large). I cannot reliably reproduce how to create this dots but they appear randomly while I'm writing and it gets annoying.

Expected behavior
Write normally without random dots appearing on the screen.

I find this hard to reproduce on command but this bug is extremely common, I don't know what triggers it image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Doublonmousse commented 1 month ago

Maybe it's related to #414 or #889 ?

jfab20 commented 4 weeks ago

Maybe it's related to #414 or #889 ?

I don't think the selection tool has anything to do with this because this happens while writing and I don't use the selection tool often.

Maybe first I would like to know what are these points, are they produced by the pen tool? Why can't I erase them? Here is a video


flxzt commented 3 weeks ago

Can you share the rnote file that contains these non-erasable dots? You can remove all other data on it if it is sensitive to you.

jfab20 commented 3 weeks ago

Sure. test.zip

flxzt commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks, that helped.

Looks like single element strokes were not generating hitboxes that are queried by the eraser. They do have bounds, that's why they can be selected.

The remaining issue is: why are there random single element strokes appearing for you? It doesn't read like that was done intentionally by you

RayJW commented 2 weeks ago

The remaining issue is: why are there random single element strokes appearing for you? It doesn't read like that was done intentionally by you

Not OP, but I can say that definitely happens to me as well occasionally. I'm not sure, but my gut feeling says it usually happens when just tapping the screen with the pen, on accident most of the time. Say I was selecting something and then either the selection goes away before I tap the screen or there's immediately a second tap for some reason. And no, so far I never intended to create these single element strokes.

flxzt commented 2 weeks ago

Probably happening because of the immediate return of the selector/eraser tools instead of needing another up->down cycle. I think #414 is related

jfab20 commented 2 weeks ago

Probably happening because of the immediate return of the selector/eraser tools instead of needing another up->down cycle. I think #414 is related

In my case I do think it is caused by the immediate return of the eraser tool because I don't use the selector tool, and I remember that while I was trying to recreate this in the file I sent you, I had to draw and change quickly to the eraser, that is how I consistently reproduced the issue.

Maybe it has to do with my tablet? Just in case I use the tablet "One by Wacom".

flxzt commented 1 week ago

The event stream log when this occurs would be very helpful. You can capture it through RUST_LOG=rnote=trace (but be warned, it's very verbose)

jfab20 commented 1 week ago

The event stream log when this occurs would be very helpful. You can capture it through RUST_LOG=rnote=trace (but be warned, it's very verbose)

Sure. Is this enough?
