flxzt / rnote

Sketch and take handwritten notes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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drawing gtk gtk-rs gtk4 gtk4-rs hacktoberfest handwriting infinite-canvas notes notes-app pdf rust wacom-tablet

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# Rnote > Sketch and take handwritten notes. Rnote is an open-source vector-based drawing app for sketching, handwritten notes and to annotate documents and pictures. It is targeted at students, teachers and those who own a drawing tablet and provides features like Pdf and picture import and export, an infinite canvas and an adaptive UI for big and small screens. Written in Rust and GTK4. **Features** - Adaptive UI focused on stylus input - Pressure-sensitive stylus input with different and configurable stroke styles - Create many different shapes with the shape tool - Move, rotate, resize and modify existing content with the selection tool - Different document expansion layouts ( fixed pages, continuous vertical, infinite in every direction, .. ) - Customizable background colors, patterns, sizes - Customizable page format - (Optional) pen sounds - Reconfigurable stylus button shortcuts - An integrated workspace browser for quick access to related files - Drag & Drop, clipboard support - Pdf, Bitmap and Svg image import - Documents can be exported to Svg, Pdf and Xopp. Document pages and selections to Svg, Png and Jpeg. - Save and load the documents in the native `.rnote` file format - Tabs to work on multiple documents at the same time - Autosave, printing **Disclaimer** The file format is still unstable. It might change and break compatibility between versions. ## Website Rnote has a project website: [rnote.flxzt.net](https://rnote.flxzt.net/) ## Installation ### Linux Download the official flatpak on Flathub [here](https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.github.flxzt.rnote).
Download on Flathub

### MacOS Thanks to @dehesselle the app is available on MacOS as an app bundle. Check out the [repository](https://gitlab.com/dehesselle/rnote_macos), the latest release can be downloaded [here](https://gitlab.com/dehesselle/rnote_macos/-/releases/permalink/latest).
Download MacOS app bundle

### Windows Download the Windows installer from the latest release which can be found [here](https://github.com/flxzt/rnote/releases/latest).
Download Windows installer

Install using [Winget](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/tree/master/manifests/f/flxzt/rnote): ``` winget install flxzt.rnote ``` ### Downgrading Because the file format still is unstable, downgrading to a specific version might be necessary. List all available past versions on flathub: ```bash flatpak remote-info --log flathub com.github.flxzt.rnote ``` Pick the commit from the desired version and downgrade with: ```bash sudo flatpak update --commit= com.github.flxzt.rnote ``` After downgrading, the flatpak version can be pinned or unpinned with: ``` $ flatpak mask com.github.flxzt.rnote $ flatpak mask --remove com.github.flxzt.rnote ``` To update to the latest version again, unpin and run `flatpak update`. ## Screenshots ![overview](./crates/rnote-ui/data/screenshots/overview.png) ![selection](./crates/rnote-ui/data/screenshots/selection.png) ![typewriter](./crates/rnote-ui/data/screenshots/typewriter.png) ![focus-mode](./crates/rnote-ui/data/screenshots/focus-mode.png) ![workspaces](./crates/rnote-ui/data/screenshots/workspaces.png) ![document-settings](./crates/rnote-ui/data/screenshots/document-settings.png) ![action-shortcuts](./crates/rnote-ui/data/screenshots/action-shortcuts.png) ## Pitfalls & Known Issues * Drag & Drop not working - Make sure Rnote has permissions to the locations you are dragging files from. Can be granted in Flatseal (a Flatpak permissions manager) * Odd location for current file - When the directory displayed in the header title is something like `/run/user/1000/../`, rnote does not have permissions to access the directory. Again, granting them in Flatseal fixes this issue. * Stylus buttons move canvas / are not functional - Make sure that the `xf86-input-wacom`, drivers on X11 and `libinput` on Wayland and `libwacom` are installed and loaded. * While hovering with the stylus, other input events are blocked in some regions of the screen - Supposed to be palm rejection, but might be undesirable. If there is a left- / righthanded system tablet setting, make sure it is set correctly. Rnote can't disable this unfortunately. ( discussed in issue [#329](https://github.com/flxzt/rnote/issues/329) ) * One of the stylus buttons shortcut mapping does not work as intended - On some devices one stylus button is mapped to a dedicated "Eraser" mode (which is the back-side on other styli). The buttons in the shortcuts settings could then be inconsistent ( the secondary / upper button is actually the primary / lower button , or reverse ). To change the tool that is mapped to this "Eraser" mode, do the following: * Hover over the canvas, and press and hold the button that that is suspected to be mapped to the "Eraser" mode * Switch to the desired pen style while keeping the button pressed * When releasing the pressed button, it should switch back to the previous pen style * The pen style in the "Eraser" mode should now be remembered ## Translations Translation status

A great way to contribute to the project without writing code is adding a new or start maintaining an existing translation language. The translations files are located in `crates/rnote-ui/po/`. Creating translations for new languages or updating existing ones can be done in multiple ways: - take the `rnote.pot` file and generate a new `.po` translation file from it, for example with "Poedit". Add the new translation language to `LINGUAS` and submit a PR with the changed files. - use [weblate](https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/rnote/repo/) for an easy way to translate in the browser without having to deal with git. ## Fonts The following fonts are bundled with the application: - [Grape Nuts](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Grape+Nuts): Grape Nuts is a simple handwritten casual font. - [OpenDyslexic-Regular](https://github.com/antijingoist/opendyslexic): OpenDyslexic is a typeface designed against some common symptoms of dyslexia. - [TT2020Base-Regular](https://github.com/ctrlcctrlv/TT2020): TT2020 is an advanced, open source, hyperrealistic, multilingual typewriter font for a new decade. - [Virgil](https://virgil.excalidraw.com/): The font that powers Excalidraw. ## File Format The `.rnote` file format is a gzipped json file. So far breaking changes in the format happened in versions: - `v0.2.0` - `v0.3.0` - `v0.4.0` - `v0.5.0` To be able to open and export older files that are incompatible with the newest version, look under **Installation** /**Downgrading** to install older versions of Rnote. ## License Rnote is available under GPL-3.0-or-later. See the LICENSE file for more info. Copyright (C) 2023 The Rnote Authors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ## Credits - A huge thanks to the contributors, translators and to all that donated. You are the ones that help keep the project going! - [Freesound](https://freesound.org/) is the source for the pen sounds. The individual sounds are credited in `sounds/Licenses.md` - [Rough.js](https://roughjs.com/) provides the algorithms for implementation of Rnote's rough shapes. - [Pizarra](https://pizarra.categulario.xyz/en/) is an innovative drawing app with advanced shaping and featuring an infinite zoom. It is a great inspiration of the architecture of Rnote. Go check it out! ## Community If you have any questions or want to start a general discussion, open a topic in the [Github Discussions](https://github.com/flxzt/rnote/discussions) section. There are also two Matrix chat rooms: - for users: [#rnote:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#rnote:matrix.org) - for developers: [#rnote-dev:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#rnote-dev:matrix.org) ## Drawings Created With Rnote If you have drawn something cool in Rnote and want to share it, submit a PR to add it here. :)
Pikachu Love Suits Nature's cat

## Building Build instructions for Linux are documented in [BUILDING.md](./BUILDING.md) and for other platforms [here](./misc/building)