fly-apps / laravel-docker

Base Docker images for use with Laravel on
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Laravel Docker

This repository creates base Docker images for use with Laravel on


This creates a base container for the following PHP versions

Built containers from this project will be available at


You can build containers from this project using a command like so:

# From the project root:
docker build \
    -t myimage:$PHP_VERSION
    --build-arg PHP_VERSION=$PHP_VERSION \
    -f src/Dockerfile \


The following environment variables can be set at run-time or when extending this container:

env description default value
PHP_PM_MAX_CHILDREN php-fpm setting pm.max_children 10
PHP_PM_START_SERVERS php-fpm setting pm.start_servers 3
PHP_MIN_SPARE_SERVERS php-fpm setting pm.min_spare_servers 2
PHP_MAX_SPARE_SERVERS php-fpm setting pm.max_spare_servers 4
PHP_DATE_TIMEZONE php setting timezone UTC
PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS php setting display_errors Off
PHP_ERROR_REPORTING php setting error_reporting 22527
PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT php setting memory_limit 256M
PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME php setting max_execution_time 90
PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE php setting post_max_size 100M
PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE php setting upload_max_file_size 100M
PHP_ALLOW_URL_FOPEN php setting allow_url_fopen Off