flyingk / kVIS3

kVIS3 data visualisation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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kVIS3 -- Kai's Data visualisation, analysis and manipulation tool (3rd edition)

Management and visualisation of time sampled experimental data in Matlab (with emphasis on flight test data)


kVIS3 is released under the GPL V3 license.

Inspired by the SIDPAC GUI by E.A. Morelli.




kVIS3 can be cloned using git into your preferred directory, or download the zip file from the github page.

git clone --recursive

The --recursive flag ensure that the requried submodules are also downloaded with the main repo.

git submodules

kVIS3 requires the FDS File Format git submodule to be initialised and updated to be able to generate the correct file structures for kVIS3. If you forgot to clone kVIS3 recursively, these can easily be pulled at any time.

From the kVIS3 directory, run in a terminal

git submodule init
git submodule update

MATLAB toolboxes

kVIS3 depends upon the GUI Layout Toolbox and Widgets Toolbox to generate the GUI. These are easily installed by double clicking the respective .mltbx files found in kVIS3 > contribute.

Board support package (BSP)

kVIS3 requires a Board Support Package (BSP), specified in the preferences, to import and process data from the user's data acquisition system. This split allows for kVIS3 to be open source, while working with potentially propriatry data. All data specific functionality is provided by the BSP, and therefore kVIS3 without a BSP will not launch (or be able to do anything).

Freely available BSP's are (work in progress):

As many of these BSPs rely on submodules for the log -> MATLAB conversion, make sure to init and update the submodules.

How to run:

Run 'kVIS3.m' from the main directory. On first launch you will be asked to specify the path to the BSP folder containing the BSP_ID.m file. Make sure to select the root folder for the BSP (the one containing `BSP_ID.m) and not one of the BSPs sub-folders.

Additional information:

Refer to the help menu for a user manual and coding information. (WiP)

Development of kVIS3 supported by The University of Sydney, School of AMME, and Lilium GmbH.

External Contributions:

kVIS3 uses the following external contributions:

Thanks for sharing!

Created and copyright by Kai Lehmkühler Ph.D. and Matt Anderson Ph.D.