Project for connecting efis or any external sensor data to a Screen, HUD, or AR glasses. This was created for the aviation community but can be used for any application where you want to display data in a custom GUI (and interact with it).
If you want to help with development or testing please join our Join Discord sever. We are working on several new features.
This is a python3 application that will take in data from different input sources, process them into a common format, then output (draw)
them to custom screens. The system is created to have the inputs and screens seperate and non-dependent of each other.
For example a user running a MGL iEFIS can run the same screen as a user with a Dynon D100. Issues can come up with a input source does not
have all the data available as other input sources do. But if the screen is written well enough it will hide or show data if it's available.
Garmin G3x
Dynon Skyview
Dynon D10/100
Levil BOM (wifi)
Stratux or any stratux compatiable device (wifi)
IFR Navigator (Analog CDI) (ADS 1115)
BNO055 IMU (9DOF) and BNO085 (9DOF)
Generic serial logger (Used for recording any serial data)
We are using the rapberry pi 4B, or 5 for taking serial data from a EFIS (MGL,Dynon,G3x,etc) and displaying a graphical Display out the hdmi output on the pi. This can be displayed on a screen (touchscreen, etc) or a HUD, or glasses.
Code is written in Python 3.7 and the Pygame 2.0 module for handling the graphics.
Analog CDI from IFR Navigator: input analog details
Config example: config_example.cfg
Lots of different efis test data: Test Data
IncludesF-18 style HUD screen: screen_F18.MD
We are active on Discord helping each other with development and testing. Come help or share ideas.